Homo sapiens (disambiguation)

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Homo sapiens (Latin "reasonable person") stands for:

  • Human , Homo sapiens , anatomically modern human, only living species of the genus Homo
  • Archaic Homo sapiens , early developmental stages in speciation

putative subspecies:

  • Homo sapiens balangodensis , about 12,000 years old skeleton finds (Sri Lanka), currently not accepted subspecies
  • Homo sapiens idaltu , about 160,000 years old skull finds (Ethiopia), currently not accepted subspecies
  • Dali human , Homo sapiens daliensis , skull find around 280,000 years old (China), currently not accepted subspecies
  • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis , an outdated name until the 1990s, see Neanderthals

Homo sapiens stands for:

See also:

Wiktionary: Homo sapiens  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations