Hoplias lacerdae

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Hoplias lacerdae
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : Raubsalmler (Erythrinidae)
Genre : Hoplias
Type : Hoplias lacerdae
Scientific name
Hoplias lacerdae
( Miranda Ribeiro , 1908)

Hoplias lacerdae , also known as the black predatory tetra or Trahira, belongs to the family of predatory tetra (Erythrynidae) and is one of the large predatory fish in South America.


According to some taxonomists, Hoplias lacerdae is subdivided into the subspecies Hoplias australis , Hoplias brasiliensis (rivers in southwestern Brazil that drain into the Atlantic, Rio Paraguaçu and Rio Jequitinhonha), Hoplias curupira , Hoplias intermedius ( Rio São Francisco , upper Rio Paraná , Rio Doce ) and Hoplias lacerdae . Other new species were found in the river systems of the Rio Negro , Trombetas, Tapajós , Xingu , Tocantins and Capim in the Amazon basin, the upper Rio Orinoco , Rio Casiquiare in Venezuela , and coastal rivers in Guyana and Surinam.

distribution and habitat

Hoplias lacerdae occurs in the river basin of the Rio Ribeira de Iguape in the states of São Paulo and Paraná in Brazil . The Río Uruguay is named as a further distribution area . H. lacerdae lives in a multitude of habitats: in small to large rivers, below waterfalls, in lakes and reservoirs.


The fish are up to 75 centimeters long and 4.3 kilograms in weight, but individual specimens can also reach a length of one meter. The types are differentiated based on their mandibular anatomy. Characteristic are their strongly developed caudal fin and the gray-brown markings, which enable them to optimally adapt to the respective ground.

Way of life

Hoplias lacerdae has a decidedly predatory way of life. The fish are lurker hunters and mainly prey on smaller fish from their shelters. Its low oxygen requirement enables it to adapt to bodies of water with a low oxygen content. During the spawning season, Hoplias lacerdae develops pronounced territorial behavior , with the female protecting the clutch from intruders and spawners.

Economical meaning

Hoplias lacerdae is an edible fish and anglers like to catch it.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. partly also trairões - great trahiras
  2. Trahira means meat runaway in the Tupí-Guarani language, Museu de Zoologia João Moojen, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  3. a b c d e [Osvaldo T. Oyakawa and George MT Mattox: Revision of the neotropical Trahiras of the Hoplias lacerdae species group (Ostariophysi: Characiformes: Erythrinidae) with descriptions of two new species, Neotropical Ichthyology, 7 (2): 117- 140, 2009, Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia]
  4. river valley between Peruibe / SP and Paranaguá / PR, which drains into the Atlantic
  5. a b Hoplias lacerdae on Fishbase.org (English)