Horst Pakowski

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Horst Franz Konstantin Pakowski (born June 13, 1937 ) is a former German diplomat who was, among other things, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ireland between 1996 and 1999 and, most recently, Ambassador to Luxembourg from 1999 to 2002 .


After studying law, Pakowski began the preparatory service for the higher foreign service and after completing his attaché training found employment in the headquarters of the Foreign Office in Bonn as well as various foreign assignments . As Legation Councilor, First Class , in 1972 he was a consultant in the Department of “Fundamental Issues, Institutions, Associations and Internal Development of the European Communities” of the Foreign Office, which became part of the Department “European Communities: Fundamental Issues, Institutions, Associations and Internal Development and Relations with the countries of the EFTA, the Mediterranean region and Africa ”. In 1990 he was Head of Unit 233 (Coordination of International Cooperation in the Drugs Area) in the Foreign Office.

In 1996 Pakowski replaced Martin Elsässer as Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ireland and held this post until 1999, after which he was replaced by Gottfried Haas . In 1997, then Federal President Roman Herzog also visited Ireland on the 50th anniversary of Operation Shamrock and met with former Shamrock children. He himself then became ambassador to Luxembourg in 1999 and held this diplomatic post until he retired in 2002, whereupon Roland Lohkamp became his successor there.

After his retirement, he became involved as a member of the board of the Caritas Association in the Archdiocese of Berlin .

Individual evidence

  1. Mechthild Lindemann, Daniela Taschler, Fabian Hilfrich: Files on the Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany 1972 , p. 1930, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2003, ISBN 3-4867-181-50
  2. Horst Möller, Ilse Dorothee Pautsch, Gregor Schöllgen, Hermann Wentker, Andreas Wirsching (editor): The unit: The Foreign Office, the GDR Foreign Ministry and the two-plus-four process , p. 677 f., Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , 2015, ISBN 3-6473-0076-4
  3. ^ German envoy meets President . In: The Irish Times, June 1, 1996
  4. 50 years of Operation Shamrock (irland journal - issue 2/97)
  5. The European Court of Justice as the engine of integration (Homepage of the German Association of Luxembourg of March 12, 1999)
  6. 10 years of the German Association Luxembourg (2005)
  7. hero of the day . In: Berliner Zeitung of January 5, 2013