Horst Riechert

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Horst Riechert (born June 9, 1926 ; † March 18, 2006 in Berlin ) was a German didactician of social sciences in the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the GDR (APW).

Riechert received his doctorate in 1966 at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Central Committee of the SED . As director of the Institute for Social Science Education in the APW, which was established in 1970, Riechert was responsible for history classes (head: Reinhold Kruppa ), geography classes (head: Wolfgang Schlimme) and the subject of civics (head: Siegfried Piontkowski), which was heavily attacked by the opposition entire GDR until the peaceful revolution in 1989 when he was deposed.


  • The regularity of the revolutionary changes in the school system , in: German magazine for philosophy , 7/1959, issue 5–6, pages 721–742
  • Lenin on questions of education and upbringing , in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 8/1960, issue 6
  • On some socio-economic and ideological-theoretical foundations of socialist school development in the German Democratic Republic , Berlin 1966
  • To convey the teachings of Karl Marx to the youth , in: Geschichte und Staatsbürgerkunde, 25 (1983) 7/8
  • Social science lessons and materialistic dialectics , in: DZPh, 32/1984, issue 2
  • Citizenship in the Struggles of Our Time . In: Geschichte und Staatsbürgerkunde (1989) 6, pp. 468–483. (Partial reprint in Kuhn / Massing / Skuhr 1993) online version


  • Ilona Katharina Schneider: ideological education in the GDR: norms - practice - opposition. An annotated documentation , Leske and Budrich, Opladen 1995