Hoya waymaniae

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Hoya waymaniae
Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya waymaniae
Scientific name
Hoya waymaniae

Hoya waymaniae is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae).


Hoya waymaniae is an epiphytic , climbing or creeping plant with twisting, strongly branched shoots. The stiff, succulent shoots measure 4 mm in cross section and are downy hairy. Especially in the middle of the internodes, they form adhesive roots with which the plant attaches itself to the ground. They are often rust-colored to pink. The internodes are 2 to 10 cm long, the nodes are thickened and somewhat flattened. The leaves are stalked, the 1.4 mm thick, twisted petioles are up to 2 cm long and hairy. The stems are slightly flattened on the top, but not runny. The leaf blades are 5 to 9 cm long and 3 to 5 cm wide. The top and bottom are downy hairy, especially the underside. The edges are wavy and there are usually small bulges and bulges on the outer edge. The blades are dark green with a pink pigmentation or with silvery spots. All vegetative parts secrete a white milky juice when injured. The leaf veins emerge only weakly. Only the midrib is a little clearer, often slightly runny.

The relatively loose, umbel-shaped inflorescence with a flat top hangs down. It consists of 12 to 20 flowers. The inflorescence stalks are extremely long, up to 30 cm and fall off after flowering or after the fruits and seeds have formed. The flower stalks are up to 2 cm long, with a diameter of 1.4 mm. They are curved and hairy with fine downy hair. The sepals are elliptical-triangular, 8 mm long and 1.6 mm wide at the base. The surface is bare, membranous connecting pieces between the sepals at the base are present. The yellowish to deep orange-colored corolla is strongly bent back and has a diameter of 5 to 9 mm. Spread out it would have a diameter of 1.6 cm. It is bald on the outside and finely hairy on the inside. Only the tips of the petal lobes are also bare. The petal lobes are 5.7 mm long and 5 mm wide at the base. The yellowish secondary crown is colored red in the center and has a diameter of about 3 to 6 mm. The corolla lobes are egg-shaped, the outer extension is very broadly rounded to almost heart-shaped, the inner extension is very short and laterally narrowed. The membranous anthers are elongated triangular. The stylus head is broad, dome-like.

In the pollinarium , the pollinia are elongated, 480 µm long and 120 µm wide with a transparent inner edge from the apex to the caudiculae. The caudiculae are 250 µm long, 120 µm thick, and attach to the corpusculum at right angles. They then bend at right angles to the base of the pollinia. The corpusculum is very small, 90 µm long, including two pointed processes at the lower end, and 70 µm wide. The flowers smell sweet like honey. After Merdon-Bennack they smell faintly of lemon mixed with camphor. They excrete little nectar and last about 7 days.

Similar Art

Hoya waymaniae has a very characteristic pollinarium, which is the species of Hoya diptera Seem., Hoya eitapensis Schltr. and Hoya flavida Forster & Liddle.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The species occurs in the state of Sabah (Malaysia). It grows there in shady places on the ground crawling or climbing into low trees.


The taxon Hoya waymaniae was described by Robert Dale Kloppenburg in 1995. The original description was based on a plant of unknown origin in culture that Kloppenburg received from Ted Green. He had received the clone from the Sydney Botanical. The holotype bears the number DC # 11. Kloppenburg assigned Hpoya waymaniae to the section Acanthostemma (flower) and the subsection Angusticarinata Kloppenburg. It is named in honor of Ann Wayman, the editor of Fraterna, the magazine of the International Hoya Association.


  • Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Hoya waymaniae Kloppenburg sp. nova. Fraterna , 1995 (2): 8-9, 1995 online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Robert Dale Kloppenburg, Ann Wayman: The World of Hoyas - a book of pictures. A revised version. Orca Publishing Company, Central Point, Oregon 2007, ISBN 0-9630489-4-5 , pp. 246/47.
  • Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Malaysian Hoya Species A monograph. Fresno, 2004 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library , pp. 677-682.
  • Surisa Somadee, Jens Kühne: Hoya 200 different wax flowers. 96 p., Formosa-Verlag, Witten 2011 ISBN 978-3-934733-08-4 , p. 82.
  • Anders Wennström, Katarina Stenman: The Genus Hoya - Species and Cultivation. 144 p., Botanova, Umeå 2008 ISBN 978-91-633-0477-4 , p. 139.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Website about the genus Hoya by Simone Merdon-Bennack: Hoya waymaniae Kloppenburg