Hubert Dostal

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Hubert Dostal (born September 24, 1880 in Brno , † September 10, 1946 in Vienna ) was a lawyer and member of the Austrian National Council .

Live and act

After studying law in Vienna, Dostal became secretary of the Christian railway workers' organization and editor of the "Austro-Hungarian railway newspaper". After his subsequent activity in the Christian Social Party leadership in South Moravia from 1905 to 1907, he was secretary of the Christian Social Association in the Viennese House of Representatives for two years and then until 1911 secretary of the state party leadership in Tyrol. After participating in the First World War, he was a trainee lawyer in Kufstein and Innsbruck and in 1920 settled as a lawyer in Ried im Innkreis.

From November 10, 1920 to May 18, 1927 he was a Christian Social Member of the National Council, where he was particularly active in the Judicial Committee.

In 1927 he moved to Vienna and worked there as a lawyer.

He had been a member of the Catholic student union KaV Norica Vienna since 1904 and later joined the KDStV Nibelungia Brno.


  • Harry Slapnicka: Upper Austria - The political leadership 1918 to 1938 . Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag, Linz 1976, ISBN 3-85214-163-X , pp. 68f.

Individual evidence

  1. Hubert Dostal on the website of the Austrian Parliament