Hugo Bürkner Park

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The Kaitzbach between the lateral retention basins of the Hugo-Bürkner-Park (view to the north, in the background the towers of the Christ Church in Altstrehlen )

The Hugo-Bürkner-Park is a small city ​​park in Dresden-Strehlen . The Kaitzbach flows through it and, with a volume of around 20,000 m³, is its most important retention basin as part of Dresden's flood protection . The park as well as the tapered from the northeast to him Hugo Bürkner street bearing the name of the professor of wood cutting art at the Art Academy in Dresden , Hugo Bürkner (1818-1897). A skate park on the opposite side of the park is sometimes also called Hugo-Bürkner-Platz.


Entry of the Leubnitzbach tributary into the park

The parking area is shaped like an iron facing southeast. In addition to Gotthardt-Kuehl-Strasse on the north-west side, the park is bounded on both long sides by Teplitzer Strasse ( S 172 , formerly part of Dresden-Teplitzer Poststrasse ) in the south and Lockwitzer Strasse in the northeast. The Strehlen settlement, built in the second half of the 1920s, surrounds the park on Teplitzer Strasse over its full length and in the eastern part of Lockwitzer Strasse.

The north-east flowing Kaitzbach reaches the western part of the park from Teplitzer Straße. Near the southern tip, also coming from Teplitzer Straße, a side arm of the Leubnitzbach , which has been piped up to that point, flows into the park and towards the Kaitzbach, while the main arm is led in the direction of the Landgraben .


Joachim Manz's two floating “Park furniture on the Kaitzbach” are located in the middle of the flood basin.
The path to the park bench is often muddy.

The park was created in the 1920s together with the Strehlen settlement.

The increasing piping of the Kaitzbach over the decades and the increasing sealing of its catchment area caused flooding in the city area during heavy rainfall, so that in 2000 a part of the Hugo-Bürkner-Park, in which the creek has been open again since 1999, increased to around 11,000 m³ large flood retention basin was expanded. During the flood of the century in August 2002 , this volume was not sufficient, so that the Kaitzbach caused flooding in residential areas, in the Great Garden , in the zoo and in parts of the Blüherpark .

Following a decision by the city council, the entire park was redesigned into a flood retention basin in winter 2005/2006, which doubled its volume. The terrain level of the park was lowered by two meters compared to the surrounding streets. The strong spring floods in March and April 2006 represented a successful test for the flood protection concept during the construction work, which was finally completed in May of that year.

In 2007, the Bremen artist Joachim Manz installed two floatable “Park furniture on the Kaitzbach” in the flood bath of Hugo Bürkner Park. The two 5.6 × 6.8 meter platforms, which are secured against swimming away by means of chains anchored in the ground, were each equipped with a park bench, a solar-powered street lamp, a waste paper basket and a planter. Access to the 0.7 meter high platforms is made easier by ladders reminiscent of swimming pool furniture. The utility of the work of art is in the background, because the surrounding park floor is at least muddy several times a year.

In the meantime, the solar-powered lights have been replaced by galvanized sheet steel bodies, which symbolically represent the shape of a light, due to frequent vandalism .


  1. ^ A b Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Umweltamt (Ed.): Flood prevention for Dresden - Hugo-Bürkner-Park: A park stops the Kaitzbach when it gets "wild" . Dresden 2007 ( PDF; 2.1 MB ( memento from June 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive )).
  2. a b Streets and squares in Strehlen: Hugo-Bürkner-Straße. In: Retrieved February 15, 2015 .
  3. ^ Konrad Bauckmeier: Skatepark Hugo-Bürkner-Platz. In: hey Dresden. September 19, 2013, accessed December 13, 2016 .
  4. Kaitzbachtal. In: Retrieved February 15, 2015 .
  5. Kaitzbach splashes through Hugo-Bürkner-Park from July - Green Space Office frees the flowing water from the pipes. State capital Dresden, press and public relations, April 30, 1999, accessed on December 13, 2016 (press release).
  6. ^ State capital Dresden, Office for Culture and Monument Protection (Ed.): MNEMOSYNE: WasserKunstWeg der Dresdner Sezession '89 e. V. Dresden 2009, p. 10 ( [PDF; 2.1 MB ]). MNEMOSYNE: WasserKunstWeg der Dresdner Sezession '89 e. V. ( Memento of the original from March 20, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Hugo-Bürkner-Park  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 1 ′ 19.2 "  N , 13 ° 45 ′ 52.2"  E