Hugo Engler

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Hugo Carl Engler (born October 26, 1850 in Mannheim , † December 24, 1931 in Dresden ) was a German lithographer and photographer who carried the title of Royal Saxon Court Photographer and was best known for Engler's postcards .


Example of the back of Engler's postcard
Photograph of the Dresden Art Academy by Hugo Engler, ca.1915

Engler came from Mannheim. After graduating from school, he completed an apprenticeship as a lithographer. After completing his military service with the Baden field artillery, in 1875 he applied for a license to work as a photographer in his apartment at Prager Strasse 34 in the Saxon residence city of Dresden . There he ran a photo studio together with the Imperial Russian court photographer Martin Scherer.

After the death of the previous court photographer Wilhelm Höffert in 1901 and the bankruptcy initiated in 1903 against the company continued by his widow and son, Hugo Engler became the new court photographer. From then on he carried the Saxon coat of arms with the royal crown on the front or back of the photographs he had taken and on all postcards.

Hugo Engler last lived in Dresden, Reichsstraße 8 I.

He died on Christmas Eve 1931 and was buried in Dresden-Johannstadt at the Trinitatisfriedhof. The tomb is still there.


He married Olga Eugenie Simon, the daughter of the Dresden businessman, lace and white goods dealer Friedrich Anton Simon. His wife died in 1905 at the age of 51.


  • Horst Milde: Dresden studio photography . Verlag der Kunst, Dresden, 1991, ISBN 3-364-00217-7 .

Web links

Commons : Hugo Engler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Dresden address book, 1930 edition, p. 145.