Hugo Luschin

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Hugo Luschin , also Hugo Ritter von Luschin , (born December 27, 1878 in Laibach (Ljubljana); † February 15, 1946 in special camp No. 1 Mühlberg / Elbe ) was a councilor of the Supreme Court (OGH) and German judge of the Reich Supreme Court Courts of Justice in various states.


His father was a captain and owner of the house. In 1901 he passed the judicial state examination (“good”). In the same year he became a legal intern at the Ljubljana Regional Court , and in 1901 he became an auscultant . He passed the judge's examination in 1904 "with good success". In 1905 he was adjudicator at the Radmannsdorf district court , where he became district judge in 1913. In mid-June 1914 he also became head of the court there.

He came to the Regional Court for Civil Law Matters in Graz in February 1919 and was transferred to Vienna in April . Then he was appointed regional judge there with effect from May 31, 1920 - July 23, 1920. He received the title of higher regional judge in March 1921. He was judge at the district court 3 for the regional court for civil law matters Vienna in May 1923 and councilor, class 2 there in May next year. March 1928 Luschin was appointed chairman of the senate.

In 1931/30 he began his service as a councilor at the Vienna Higher Regional Court, class group 4. In February 1935 he came to the Supreme Court, where he became council in July. After Austria's "annexation" to the National Socialist German Reich , Luschin was appointed to the German Reich Court on April 1, 1939. In August 1945 he was arrested by the NKVD along with 36 other Reich judges .

Party affiliation

  • December 1933 to 1938 Patriotic Front
  • since June 1, 1941 member of NSDAP No. 8,778,088



  • Friedrich Karl Kaul : History of the Reichsgericht, Volume IV (1933-1945), East Berlin 1971, p. 281.
  • Matthias Graf v. Schmettau: memorial book of the German nobility. Addendum, Limburg / Lahn 1980, p. 29.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Initiative group Lager Mühlberg e. V. (Ed.): Book of the Dead - Special Camp No. 1 of the Soviet NKVD, Mühlberg / Elbe , Mühlberg / Elbe, 2008, p. 126, ISBN 9783000269998 ; Agnes and Henning v. Kopp-Colomb (ed.): Book of Destiny II of the Saxon-Thuringian nobility - 1945 to 1989 and from the turn of the year to 2005, Limburg an der Lahn, 2005, p. 654 speak from March 15, 1947.