Famine in Kazakhstan 1932–33

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Large ethnic groups in Kazakhstan between 1897 and 1970. The number of Kazakhs (blue) and Ukrainians (yellow) fell between 1932 and 1933 due to the famine. Russians (red) and Uzbeks (purple) are also listed .

The famine in Kazakhstan of 1932–1933  was part of the famine in the Soviet Union  at that time, which hit Kazakhstan particularly badly. Around 1.5 million people died (around 38% of the then population), 1.3 million of them ethnic Kazakhs . Other estimates put around 2.0 to 2.3 million ethnic Kazakhs who died as a result of the famine. The remaining 200,000 victims were mostly ethnic Ukrainians .

The famine is known in Kazakhstan as the "Goloschtschokin Genocide " ( Kazakh : Голощекиндік геноцид). Filipp Issajewitsch Goloschtschokin  carried out the " Sovietization " of the country and was therefore made responsible for the famine.

Demographic Consequences

A memorial stone in  Almaty , Kazakhstan, commemorates the victims of the famine

The famine made ethnic Kazakhs a minority in their settlement area. It wasn't until the 1990s that they became the largest ethnic group again. 60% of the population were Kazakhs before the famine, after which only 38%.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Niccolo PIANCIOLA: The collectivization Famine in Kazakhstan, 1931-1933 . In: Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (Ed.): Harvard Ukrainian Studies . 25, 2001, pp. 237-251. Retrieved July 9, 2015.
  2. Elena Volkava: The Kazakh Famine of 1930-33 and the Politics of History in the Post-Soviet Space . Wilson Center. March 26, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2015.
  3. Bruce Pannier: Kazakhstan: The Forgotten Famine . Rferl.org. December 28, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2015.
  4. Қазақстан тарихы: Аса маңызды кезеңдері мен ғылыми мәселелері. Жалпы білім беретін мектептің қоғамдык- гуманитарлық бағытындағы 11-сыныбына арналған арналған арналған оқмулаев, Ә.бийвлев, М.бйв, Ме.Қанав / Ме. - Алматы: "Мектеп" баспасы, 2007. - 304 бет, суретті.
  5. Татимов М. Б. Социальная обусловленность демографических процессов. Алма-Ата, 1989. С.124
  6. Қазақстан тарихы: Аса маңызды кезеңдері мен ғылыми мәселелері. Жалпы білім беретін мектептің қоғамдык- гуманитарлық бағытындағы 11-сыныбына арналған арналған арналған оқмулаев, Ә.бийвлев, М.бйв, Ме.Қанав / Ме. - Алматы: "Мектеп" баспасы, 2007. - 304 бет, суретті.
  7. http://world.lib.ru/p/professor_l_k/070102_koval_drujba.shtml - "Запомнил и долю казахов в пределах своей республики - 28% А за тридцать лет до того они составляли у себя дома уверенное большинство ."
  8. http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/41036834?uid=3738984&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21104012154341