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Hunsteinnonne by John Gerrard Keulemans (1842–1912)

Hunsteinnonne by John Gerrard Keulemans (1842–1912)

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Fine finches (Estrildidae)
Subfamily : Lonchurinae
Genre : Bronze man ( lonchura )
Type : Hunsteinnonne
Scientific name
Lonchura hunsteini
( Finsch , 1886)

The Hunsteinnonne ( Lonchura hunsteini ) is a species from the finch family . It occurs in two geographically widely separated subspecies. The species is classified as not endangered by the IUCN .


The Hunstein nun reaches a body length of about nine centimeters and is one of the small species of finch. There is no sexual dimorphism .

The skull and neck are silver gray. The feathers on the sides of the head and on the back of the neck have darker feathers, so that the Hunstein nun appears to be scaled on these parts of the body. The area around the ears is dark gray. The coverts and wings are black-brown with very narrow golden-brown edges. The tips of the upper tail covers and the central control feathers are golden red-brown. The underside of the wings are yellowish-brown. The rest of the body plumage is black.

Fledglings are dark brown on the top and pale brown on the underside.

Distribution area and way of life

The nominate form Lonchura hunsteini hunsteini occurs on the island of New Ireland and the subspecies Lonchura hunsteini minor occurs on the island of Ponape of the Caroline group ( Micronesia ).

So far, very little is known about the way of life of this species. There are also no observations from postures. As far as we know today, she is an inhabitant of the grasslands in the lowlands. It mainly eats small grass seeds and other vegetable foods.

supporting documents


  • Jürgen Nicolai (Ed.), Joachim Steinbacher (Ed.), Renate van den Elzen, Gerhard Hofmann: Prachtfinken - Australia, Oceania, Southeast Asia. Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3249-4 .
  • Peter Clement , Alan Harris, John Davis: Finches and Sparrows. An Identification Guide. Christopher Helm, London 1993, ISBN 0-7136-8017-2 .

Web links

Single receipts

  1. BirdLife Factsheet , accessed July 4, 2010
  2. Nicolai et al., P. 272