Tumanski R-11

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Cutaway model of the R-11F-300 with ancillary units

The Tumanski R-11 is a Soviet twin-shaft jet engine .


The R-11 was developed by Alexander Mikulin , Sergei Tumanski and Boris Stetschkin from May 1953 as the Mikulin AM-11 . Based on the experience with the Tumanski RD-9 , the R-11 is the first Soviet developed twin-shaft turbojet engine. It was used from 1958 in different versions of the Jak-25 , MiG-21 and Sukhoi Su-15 . Almost 21,000 units had been built by the end of its service life. This makes it one of the most popular jet engines in the world. In the MiG-21, the R-11 was later replaced by the R-13.


Cutaway model

The first series version, the R-11F-300, is equipped with an annular combustion chamber, a three-stage supersonic low-pressure compressor, a three-stage transonic high-pressure compressor and a single-stage high and low-pressure turbine. The second compressor stage is equipped with jacketed blades to prevent resonance vibrations. The high pressure shaft contained a speed limiter and a gear connection for driving secondary devices after the last stage. The starter / generator, two hydraulic pumps, two fuel pumps, a compressor for air and a tachometer were connected to this gearbox. The annular combustion chamber had 10 tubes, two of which were equipped with discharge igniters. The afterburner consists of an electrohydraulically adjustable, iris-shaped, axially symmetrical nozzle and three fuel injection rings. Compared to the previous versions, the annular combustion chamber has been changed, the diameter of the high-pressure turbine has been enlarged by 15 mm and the low-pressure turbine has been equipped with narrower blades.


  • RD-11 (AM-11) - first version, without afterburner , used in the test aircraft of Mikoyan-Gurevich Je-2A , Je-4 and Je-5. Problems during testing made a revision necessary
  • R-11-300 - first series version without afterburner, production since 1954
  • R-11A-300 - modification of the R-11-300 for installation in the wing nacelles of the Jakowlew Jak-28
  • R-11W-300 - special version for great heights, without afterburner, built into the height reconnaissance version of the Jak-28
  • R-11F-300 - first production version (tactical designation R-37F) with afterburner and 38.2 / 53.4 kN thrust, built from 1956, used in MiG-21F, -F-13, -P and -U as well as in the Su-15WD.
  • R-11AF-300 - improved version for the Jakowlew Jak-28B, -L and -U.
  • R-11F2-300 - version with new compressor, afterburner and nozzle with 38.7 / 60.0 kN thrust, used from 1962 in MiG-21P, -F-13, -PF and -FL.
  • R-11AF2-300 - modified R-11F2-300 for the Jakowlew Jak-28I, -R and -P.
  • R-11F2S-300 - improved version delivered from 1965 for MiG-21PF, -PFM, -PFS, -R, -S, -U, -US and -UM as well as for the Su-15TM, ​​-UT and -UM with 38 , 2 / 60.6 kN thrust. It is prepared for a boundary layer control system (PLC system) and also has two afterburner levels that can be selected by the pilot, so that supersonic speeds can be reached more quickly.
  • R-11AF3-300 - Trial version with higher performance and first design features of the Tumanski R-13 for installation in the Jak-28PM
  • R-11F2SK-300 - Version with thrust nozzle correction device KDS for MiG-21M with 38.2 / 60.6 kN thrust

Wopen WP-7

The R-11 is built in China as the Wopen WP-7 and suffered a similar fate as the Tumanski R-13. Originally both were to be built under license in China, but due to the Soviet-Chinese split, the license and technical support have been withdrawn. Under the direction of chief designer Jiang Hepu, the Chinese managed to successfully replicate both engines, which were given the designation WP-7 and WP-13.

  • WP-7 - Chinese copy of the R-11F-300 for use in the Chengdu J-7 I and F-7A with 38.2 / 53.4 kN thrust. It differs from the Soviet models in a special combination of circular and star-shaped flame stabilizers on the afterburner. First successful test in October 1965.
  • WP-7B - improved variant of the WP-7 for J-7II, F-7B, -JJ and FT-7 with 40.2 / 58.8 kN thrust
  • WP-7B (BM) - further improved version for the F-7M and -P with 40.2 / 59.8 kN thrust
  • WP-7F - again improved version for the J-7E with 44.1 / 63.7 kN thrust

Designation scheme

The general designation scheme for the Soviet jet engines using the example of the R-11F2S-300 is:

  • R = Reaktiwny dwigatel = jet engine
  • 11 = number
  • F = Forsasch (= afterburner)
  • 2 = 2nd (improved) series
  • S = PLC system (blowing on the boundary layer)
  • 300 = index for OKB Tumanski

Technical specifications

Inlet side
Parameter Data R-11F-300
Power (with / without afterburner) 56.3 kN / 38.7 kN
Air flow 63.7 kg / s
Total pressure ratio 8.9: 1
Gas temperature at turbine inlet 1175 K
length 4.60 m
diameter 0.91 m
Dry matter 1124 kg
Compressor stages (LP / HP) 3/3
Turbine stages (LP / HP) 1/1
Combustion chamber Tube ring combustion chamber with 10 flame tubes


  • Лев Павлович Берне: Александр Микулин - легенда ХХ века , Крылья родины, 2. Edited and expand output, Moscow 2008, ISBN 978-5-85271-317-9 (Leo Pavlovich Berne: . Alexander Mikulin - a legend of the 20th century )

Web links

Commons : Tumansky R-11  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The jet engine R-11 F2S-300 (Luftfahrttechnischer Museumsverein Rothenburg eV)
  2. Tumanski R-13-300 (warrior horse)
  3. Jefim Gordon , Keith Dexter, Dimitri Komissarow: MiG-21. P. 426ff, ISBN 978-1-85780-257-3
  4. a b engines of the MiG-21
  5. J-7 (Sinodefence) ( Memento of the original from July 16, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.sinodefence.com