Hat (mycology)
The hat ( pileus ) is the common name of the part of the fruiting body of many mushrooms that bears the hymenophore . Hats are formed by representatives of the mushroom-like , thick boletus-like , thorny mushrooms and some ashlar mushrooms .
The characteristics include hat shape, hat size, hat color and, in the case of some mushrooms, hygrophan behavior, hat surface, hat skin, hat rim and hat meat (Huttrama).
- Hat shapes
See also
- Ewald Gerhardt: FSVO manual mushrooms. 4th, revised edition, (special edition). BLV, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-8354-0053-3 .
- Rose Marie Dähncke : 200 mushrooms. 180 mushrooms for the kitchen and its poisonous doppelgangers. 5th revised edition. AT-Verlag, Aarau 1992, ISBN 3-85502-145-7 .
Web links
Commons : hat features (from section "cap form" ff.) - album with pictures, videos and audio files