Huy (Viceroy of Kush)

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Depiction of a panther skin (as a tribute from Nubia) from the grave

Amenhotep , better known as Huy , was the viceroy of Kush under King Tutankhamun (c. 1333-1333 BC).

The viceroy of Kush was the chief Egyptian administrator of the Nubian provinces. Huy began his career perhaps already under the "Viceroy of Kush" Merimose, who under Amenophis III. officiated. Under this a "letter writer of the viceroy of Kush Merimose" with the name Amenhotep is known, who can perhaps be identified with Amenhotep / Huy.

Huy is best known for his richly decorated tomb in Thebes ( Qurnet Murrai ). There are numerous unique scenes in the grave ( TT40 ). Above all, the Nubian lifts are to be mentioned here, because of their peculiar costume and dark skin color.

Huy built a temple in Faras for King Tutankhamun .


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  1. "Huy" is the short form of the name Amenhotep.
predecessor Office successor
Thutmose Viceroy of Kush Paser I.