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Agonomalus proboscidalis

Agonomalus proboscidalis

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Subordination : Cottoidei
Partial order : Bull relatives (Cottales)
Family : Panzerroppen (Agonidae)
Subfamily : Hypsagoninae
Scientific name
Gill , 1861

The Hypsagoninae are a subfamily of marine fish from the family of armored lizards (Agonidae). The seven species of the Hypsagoninae occur in the North Pacific.


The species of the Hypsagoninae are 9 to 42 cm long and have a relatively high-backed, laterally flattened body, which is covered with differently sized bone plates of different shapes. The mouth is terminal, both jaws are the same length. The upper edge of the orbit is convex. The rostral bone at the tip of the snout is not enlarged. In the first dorsal fin, the fin rays are formed as strong spines. In the caudal fin skeleton there are two epuralia, elongated, free-standing bones.

Genera and species

The subfamily includes three genera and seven species:


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