Ibrahim Heski

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Ibrahim Heski or Ibrahim Pascha Haski Tello , Kurdish : Biroyê Heskê Têlî († July 25, 1931 in Tschaldiran / Iran ) was a Kurdish fighter, politician and member of the Celali tribe.


Ibrahim Heski was the son of Hesk and Têlî. He belonged to the Hesesori tribe, which was part of the Celali. In different sources he appears with different names like "Ibrahim Agha", "Ibrahim Pascha", "Heskizâde Ibrahim", "Bırho", "Bro Haski Tello", "Bro Haski Talu" and so on. The British author and adventurer Rosita Forbes wrote that the hero of the region was a wild and chivalrous privateer named Ibrahim Agha Huske Tello. During the First World War he fought against Russian soldiers on the Caucasus Front . After the war he settled as a trader in Dogubeyazıt , where he married the mayor's sister. Because of his job, he traveled to Istanbul several times .


When the Sheikh Said uprising broke out in 1925 , Ibrahim Heski remained loyal to the state. As a consequence of the uprising, the government decided to deport Kurdish leaders to the west of the country in order to prevent unrest. When Ibrahim Heski found out that he too was about to be deported, he fled to Mount Ararat. There he gathered fighters of the Hesenan, Celali and Haydaran around him and thus triggered the first Ararat uprising (May 16 to June 17, 1926). On May 16, there was a fight between the 28th Infantry Regiment and the Jandarma with the rebels near Demirkapı. The soldiers had to admit defeat and withdrew to Doğubeyazıt. But about two months later, Ibrahim Heski and his men were surrounded and beaten by the 28th and 34th regiments. Some managed to flee across the nearby border into Iran.

When a year later, on October 28, 1927, another uprising broke out on the Ararat, the Kurdish Xoybûn decided to support it. The former Ottoman officer Ihsan Nuri Pasha was sent to the rebels. A short time later the Kurds proclaimed the Republic of Ararat . Ibrahim Heski was appointed President of the Republic. Ibrahim Heski's sons Ilhami, Omer, Davut and his brothers Ahmed and Eyub were also among the rebels. His brother Ahmed and their 100-year-old mother died in later fighting against the Turkish soldiers. When the uprising was finally put down in 1930, Ibrahim Heski fled to Iran again.

In 1931, violent fighting broke out between Iranian government troops and the Kurds in the Maku area . Colonel Mohammad Ali Khan of the 2nd Brigade of the Azerbaijan Division and Colonel Kalb Ali Khan, who brought reinforcements from Tabriz and Ardabil , fought against the Kurds. On July 25, Colonel Kalb Ali Khan and three of four Kurdish leaders were killed in the fighting in Chaldiran . Ibrahim Heski was among the dead leaders.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gérard Chaliand: A People without a country: the Kurds and Kurdistan . Zed Books, 1993, ISBN 978-1-85649-194-5 , p. 55. English
  2. a b Dana Adams Schmidt: Journey among brave men . Little, Brown, 1964, p. 57. English
  3. ^ Erhard Franz : Kurds and Kurdism: Contemporary history of a people and its national movements . Deutsches Orient-Institut, 1986, ISBN 3-89173-006-3 , p. 140. German
  4. rohat alakom : Hoybûn örgütü ve Ağrı ayaklanması . Avesta, 1998, ISBN 975-7112-45-3 , p. 82. Turkish
  5. ^ Rosita Forbes, Conflict: Angora to Afghanistan , Cassell, 1931, p. 264. English
  6. a b c Naci Kutlay: 21. Yüzyıla Girerken Kürtler . Peri Yayınları, ISBN 975-8245-69-4 , p. 309 ff. Turkish
  7. Faik Bulut: Devletin Gözüyle Türkiye'de Kürt İsyanları . Yön Yayıncılık, 1991, p. 79. Turkish
  8. Bulut, ibid , p. 80. Turkish
  9. Bulut, ibid , p. 83. Turkish
  10. ^ Paul J. White: Primitive rebels or revolutionary modernizers? the Kurdish national movement in Turkey . Zed Books, 2000, ISBN 978-1-85649-822-7 , p. 77. English
  11. Mehmet Köçer: Ağrı İsyanı (1926–1930) . In: Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , volume: 14, no: 2, p. 385. (PDF; 291 kB) Turkish
  12. Rohat Alakom, ibid , p. 84. Turkish
  13. Great Britain Foreign Office, British documents on foreign affairs: reports and papers from the foreign office confidential print. From the first to the second world. Turkey, Iran, and the Middle-East, 1918-1939. The Allies take control, 1920-1921 . University Publications of America, 1985, ISBN 978-0-89093-603-0 , p. 180. English
  14. ^ Robert Michael Burrell: Iran: political diaries, 1881-1965. 1931-1934 . Archive Editions, 1997, ISBN 978-1-85207-710-5 , p. 186. English
  15. Great Britain Foreign Office, ibid , p. 252. English