Idean dactyls

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The Idaean dactyls ( Greek  Δάκτυλοι Ἰδαῖοι Daktyloi Idaioi ) were demon-like figures in Greek mythology , to whom the discovery and first processing of iron and copper is ascribed.

The Ida Mountains in Phrygia were considered to be their home , where they were in the service of the Great Mother ( Rhea-Cybele ) and consequently were combined with the Curetes and Korybants as well as mixed with the Samothrak Kabiren and the Telchines . They were also transferred to the Ida of Crete .

The name dactylene is explained in various ways; most likely it relates to the artistry of these metallurgical ghosts of the forest mountains.

The Phrygian dactyls are named three:

In Crete it was five or ten or a hundred.

It is easy to explain that the dactyls were at the same time competent for magicians and secret natural forces; They were also thought to be the inventors of all kinds of useful arts, for example musical sound and beat, for which the art of the blacksmith itself provided instructions.


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