Ignacio Rupérez Rubio

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Ignacio Rupérez Rubio (born October 17, 1947 in Madrid ; † December 25, 2015 ) was a Spanish diplomat .


Ignacio Rupérez Rubio was the brother of Javier Rupérez, married to Francisca Mores and had a daughter with her. He studied journalism and at the Complutense University of Madrid , wrote for El País and ABC (Spain) , on foreign policy topics. After entering the foreign service, he was employed in Egypt , Israel , Cuba and Ukraine . In 2005 he was the first Spanish ambassador to Baghdad in 15 years . The post of ambassador to Iraq has been vacant since the border war between Iran and Iraq . After the coup in Honduras in 2009 , the ambassadors of the governments of the European Union left Honduras .


  • Daños colaterales , Editorial Planeta, 2008.
predecessor Office successor
José Antonio de Yturriaga Spanish ambassador in Baghdad
José Turpín
Agustín Núñez Martínez Spanish ambassador in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Luis Belzuz de los Ríos

Individual evidence

  1. El País , http://elpais.com/tag/ignacio_ruperez/a/
  2. ABC (Spain) , December 8, 2009, [1]
  3. Iraq (PDF; 34 kB)