Your sense

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A radical feminist lesbian magazine

Logo of Ihrsinn
description lesbian-feminist magazine
language German
First edition 1990
attitude 2004
Frequency of publication every six months (June, December)
editor Your sense e. V., Bochum
Web link
ZDB 1103111-6

Ihrsinn (own spelling IHRSINN ) was a radical feminist lesbian magazine . It was published twice a year from 1990 to 2004 in an edition of 2000 in a total of 29 issues and was supported by the Verein Ihrsinn e. V. published. Each issue appeared with a length of around 120 pages and a main topic. The editorial office was based in Bochum .

Ihrsinn was founded in 1989 by eight lesbians. The aim was to formulate one's own ideas about lesbian identity , culture and politics more clearly. The magazine wanted to examine feminist-lesbian perspectives, stimulate theoretically-oriented thinking outside the university and offer a forum for political debates. The initiators were inspired by English-language magazines about lesbian feminist ethics . Gossip - a journal of lesbian feminist ethics and Lesbian Ethics are named as role models . When Ihrsinn was founded , there were two national lesbian magazines in the Federal Republic of Germany : UKZ - Our little newspaper (1975–2001) and Lesbenstich (1980–1993). Ihrsinn saw itself as a complement to these magazines, not as competition.

The state and the perspective of lesbian identity Search formulated Ihrsinn in its first edition in 1990 this way: we will be painful to the lack of a common history, culture, language consciously "Looking for lesbian identity. Symbols and images that can be used for orientation are rare. We are tempted to exaggerate their rarity value and to create lesbian heroines and myths with whom we may identify. [...] Finding identity-building building blocks in a hostile environment and doing something stubborn and powerful with them: a persistent, creative, radical effort is necessary. "

Ihrsinn wanted to, as the magazine pointedly formulated it in retrospect in 2004, “ did not want to dispose of the heteropatriarchy in its various forms of packaging […] in a reform feminist way, but rather cut off the roots”.


  • Ilse Lenz : The New Women's Movement in Germany. Farewell to the small difference. Selected sources. 2nd updated edition. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften , Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17436-5 , pp. 1021-1028.
  • Discourse on lesbian-feminist identity in the 1990s using the example of the radical feminist lesbian magazine IHRSINN. In: Susanna Jäger: Double ax or rainbow? On the genealogy of lesbian-feminist identity. (= Perspectives. Research articles on history, education, philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy and sociology. Volume 11). Edition Diskord, Tübingen 1998, ISBN 3-89295-648-0 , pp. 99-142.
  • Kerstin Mahnke, Ulrike Röttger, Petra Werner: More than can be put into writing. Or: What is the lesbian public? An interview with the editors of IHRSINN. In: Group feminist public (ed.): Femina Publica. Women - Public - Feminism. PapyRossa , Cologne 1992, ISBN 3-89438-044-6 , pp. 192-198.
  • Anna Baron: 1989-2004. 15 years of Ihrsinn - a radical feminist lesbian magazine. In: Gabriele Dennert, Christiane Leidinger, Franziska Rauchut (eds.): Keep moving. 100 years of lesbian politics, culture and history . With the collaboration of Stefanie Soine. Querverlag , Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-89656-148-0 , pp. 374-376.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gitta Büchner: The radical sense of you. Why it doesn't exist anymore or why Anne Will doesn't need a lesbian magazine. In: Lea Susemichel, Saskya Rudigier, Gabi Horak (eds.): Feminist media. Publics beyond the malestream. Ulrike Helmer Verlag , Königstein / Taunus 2008, ISBN 978-3-89741-265-1 , p. 80.
  2. ^ Anna Baron: 1989-2004. 15 years of Ihrsinn - a radical feminist lesbian magazine. In: Gabriele Dennert, Christiane Leidinger , Franziska Rauchut (eds.): Keep moving. 100 years of lesbian politics, culture and history . With the collaboration of Stefanie Soine. Querverlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-89656-148-0 , p. 374.
  3. IHRSINN - a radical feminist lesbian magazine: That was IHRSINN. ( Memento from January 13, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) At:
  4. Lena Laps: We are the lesbians we have been waiting for ... Thoughts on a radical present-day vision of lesbian identity. In: Ihrsinn. 1990, No. 1, pp. 22-39. Printed in: Ilse Lenz: The New Women's Movement in Germany. Farewell to the small difference. Selected sources. 2nd updated edition. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften , Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17436-5 , p. 1024.
  5. Ihrsinn 2004a, pp. 113–114. Quoted from: Gitta Büchner: The radical Ihrsinn. Why it doesn't exist anymore or why Anne Will doesn't need a lesbian magazine. In: Lea Susemichel, Saskya Rudigier, Gabi Horak (eds.): Feminist media. Publics beyond the malestream. Ulrike Helmer Verlag , Königstein / Taunus 2008, ISBN 978-3-89741-265-1 , p. 82.