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The Parthenon

Iktinos ( Greek Ἰκτῖνος ) was one of the most important architects of ancient Greece . Nothing is known about his origin and year of birth. Together with Kallikrates he was the architect of the Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens (construction period from 448/47 to 438/37 BC). To what extent Phidias , who, according to Plutarch, was in charge of the redesign of the Acropolis, co-determined the architecture of these buildings, is unclear. After Vitruvius , Iktinos - together with an otherwise unknown Karpion - also published a book about this building. Other buildings were the Telesterion in Eleusis , the main building of the cult there, and the Temple of Apollo at Bassae . Nothing is known about the date of his death. Iktinos was very innovative and seems to have been particularly interested in the combination of different architectural styles. The Doric Parthenon has an Ionic frieze and the Temple of Bassai even combines all three architectural styles of the time.
