Il mondo alla rovescia

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Work data
Title: The wrong world
Original title: Il mondo alla rovescia
Shape: Dramma giocoso
Original language: Italian
Music: Antonio Salieri
Libretto : Caterino Mazzolà
Literary source: Il mondo alla roversa by Carlo Goldoni
Premiere: January 13, 1795
Place of premiere: Burgtheater Vienna
Playing time: about 3 hours
  • La Generala, di età avanzata ( bass )
  • La Colonnella, amante di tutti ( soprano )
  • L'Ajutanta maggiora (soprano)
  • La Marchesa (soprano)
  • Amaranto, nipote della Generala ( tenor )
  • Il Conte, vagheggiato dalla Generala (bass)
  • Il Comandante delle navi europee ( baritone )
  • Il Gran Colombo (baritone)
  • Girasole, modista (tenor)
  • Choir

Il mondo alla rovescia (dt: the wrong world ) is a dramma giocoso in two acts by Antonio Salieri based on a text by Caterino Mazzolà based on Carlo Goldoni's libretto Il mondo alla roversa for Galuppi (1750).

Salieri had already started composing this opera in 1779 under the title L'isola capricciosa for Venice, but the project did not materialize due to the sudden death of the local impresario. After the librettist Mazzolà was called to Vienna in 1792, Salieri remembered the earlier collaboration and completed the opera. Whether and, if so, to what extent Salieri used already completed arias and sketches of the earlier version for the composition is no longer traceable in detail today, but some music numbers have a much simpler structure than was usual for Salieri in the 1790s is.

The overture used by Salieri for this opera is largely based on that for Salieri's early ballet opera Don Chisciotte alle nozze di Gamace (1770/71). It was also used as an alternative prelude to Salieri's later Opera comica L'Angiolina (1800).

The first performance took place on January 13, 1795 in the Vienna Burgtheater . The first modern, but heavily abbreviated, re-performances took place in November 2009 in Salieri's hometown Legnago and in Verona . The opera had its German-language premiere in July 2010 in the Neuburg Chamber Opera .

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