Ilse Collignon

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Ilse Riefenstahl, around 1936

Ilse Collignon (born August 12, 1913 in Elbing , West Prussia , † December 5, 2003 in Munich ), born as Ilse Margarete Rehtmeyer, also Ilse Margarete Riefenstahl , was a German journalist , literary agent and author . She was the sister-in-law of Leni Riefenstahl .

Ilse Rehtmeyer was born the daughter of a teacher. In 1935 she married the engineer Heinz Riefenstahl , who at the time was known as the “dream game” , the younger brother of the actress and director Leni Riefenstahl . With him she had two children, Eckart and Uta. On December 19, 1942, the couple divorced. In 1943 Ilse Riefenstahl married the cameraman, photographer and war correspondent Klaus Collignon. The marriage ended in divorce after the war.

Ilse Collignon published several novels over a period of around three decades. Her last work takes a critical look at her sister-in-law Leni Riefenstahl and her role during the National Socialist era .


Individual titles were also published in French, Dutch and Czech.

Individual evidence

  1. Ilse Collignon: "Dear Leni ..." - A Riefenstahl remembers . Langen-Müller, Stuttgart 2003. ISBN 978-3-7844-2915-1 .
  2. Jens Monath: Leni Riefenstahl - The price of fame . In: ZDF History, on: PHOENIX, March 24, 2018
  3. Klaus Colligon . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, on:
  4. ^ Author Ilse Collignon has died - Leni Riefenstahl's sister-in-law . In: Schwäbische from December 9, 2003, on:
  5. Ilse Collignon died at the age of 90 . In: Der Standard from December 14, 2003, on:
  6. Ilse Collignon died . In: Hamburger Abendblatt of December 10, 2003, on: