Ilse Neumann

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Ilse Neumann (born March 30, 1890 in Dobien ; † after 1933) was a German politician ( DNVP ).


After the private preparation, visiting the girls' high school and real gymnasialer courses in food Neumann put in July 1911 from a high school. She then studied German, history, religion and philosophy for twelve semesters. You doctorate in December 1916, Dr. phil. , passed the examination for teaching at secondary schools in December 1917 and worked as a teacher at various high schools in Berlin-Pankow , Berlin-Baumschulenweg and Berlin-Mariendorf since 1918 . In September 1920 she passed the pedagogical examination. Since October 1926 she has been working as a teacher at a school in Berlin-Mariendorf.

Neumann joined the DNVP and in 1925 became first chairwoman of the regional women's committee of the German Nationalists for Prussia . From 1926 to 1932 she was a district councilor in the Berlin district of Charlottenburg . In 1928 she was elected to the Prussian state parliament, to which she was a member initially until 1932 and again in 1933 until the state parliament was dissolved by the National Socialists.


  • The women of the French Revolution, in Emmy Wolff, ed .: Generations of women in pictures . Herbig, Berlin 1928, pp. 47–53 (subsequent original voices of such women 1791–1792, in German, up to p. 56: Anne Louise Germaine de Staël , Charlotte Corday , Madame Roland , Madame Jullien ie Rosalie Jullien, née Ducrolay, Wife and mother of two well-known French people during the Revolution, both named Marc-Antoine Jullien)


  • Ernst Kienast (Ed.): Handbook for the Prussian Landtag , edition for the 5th electoral period, Berlin 1933, p. 365/366.