In the land of the dinosaurs

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Television series
German title In the land of the dinosaurs
Original title Land of the Lost
Country of production United States
original language English
Year (s) 1974-1976
length 25 minutes
Episodes 43 in 3 seasons
genre Science fiction
idea Sid Krofft ,
Marty Krofft
First broadcast September 7, 1974 (USA) on NBC
first broadcast
September 1, 1990 on RTLplus

Land of the Lost (Original title: Land of the Lost ) is an American science fiction - TV Series / - Youth series from the years 1974 to 1976. It was founded by the brothers Sid and Marty Krofft developed. The series was reissued in 1991 with completely different actors and new stories under the title Im Land der Saurier II . This series has nothing in common with the stories from the 1970s version. In April 2008, filming began on the 2009 movie based on the 1970s series. In the main role, Will Ferrell plays the role of Rick Marshall.


During a trip in a rubber dinghy, Rick Marshall and his two children Will and Holly are caught in an earthquake. Everything collapses behind them and they finally fall down a gigantic waterfall . When they wake up, they find that they are in a prehistoric world and are threatened by a Tyrannosaurus Rex shortly after their arrival . They flee into a high cave, which they now see as their home. Every now and then the T-Rex named Grumpy comes by there. But you know what to do. They ram a sharpened tree trunk into the dinosaur's throat and the dinosaur escapes screaming.

During their stay in their new world, the three marshals discover friends as well as enemies. So they meet the peaceful Pakuni (ape-like people) and make friends with Cha-Ka, Ta and Sa. They also come into contact with an aggressive, lizard-like people.

These beings call themselves Sleestaks , are green, shy away from light, make a frightening hiss of themselves, and are more intelligent than the Pakuni. The Sleestaks live in what is known as the Lost City . This is an underground tunnel complex and was built by the Altrusians and guarded by the Allosaurus Alice .

The gray Altrusians are a peace-loving Sleestak species and evolved 1000 years earlier than the green Sleestaks. The Marshalls meet Enik, a member of this race. Enik comes from the past through a time portal.

In mysterious golden pyramids you will find colored crystals , where - depending on how you touch them - strange things can happen or the weather can be influenced.

In the search for Rick, Will and Holly, Jack Marshall, the uncle of Will and Holly, also came to the dinosaur era. Father Rick was able to go back into his world through Enik's time portal and had to leave the children behind.


role actor Season
1 2 3
Rick Marshall Spencer Milligan Yes Yes No
Will Marshall Wesley yours Yes
Holly Marshall Kathy Coleman Yes
Cha-Ka Phillip Paley Yes
Ta Joe Giamalva Yes No No
Scutter McKay No Yes No
Sat Sharon Baird Yes
Enik Walker Edmiston Yes
Uncle Jack Marshall Ron Harper No No Yes
The Zarn (voice) Marvin Miller ? ? ?
The Zarn Van Snowden ? ? ?
Malak Richard Kiel ? ? ?
Sleestak leader Jon Locke No No Yes

The Sleestaks were played by: Dave Greenwood , Bill Laimbeer , John Lambert , Cleveland Porter , Jack Tingley , Scott Fullerton , Mike Westra and Bill Boyd.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Land of the Lost is coming to the cinema ( Memento of the original from October 6, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /