In the name of the animals

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Original title In the name of the animals
Country of production Germany
Publishing year 2016
length 103 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Sabine Kückelmann
production Sabine Kückelmann
cut Sabine Kückelmann, Jeanette Sena Mühlmann

In the Name of the Animals is a documentary by Sabine Kückelmann , who created it largely by herself, from 2016 . The film was produced a year earlier.


The film explores the question of why people are fond of dogs, cats and horses on the one hand, but exploit so-called "farm animals" on the other.


The premiere of the film took place in 2015 at the Hof International Film Festival. The film was officially released in theaters in November 2016. On December 15, 2016, a special screening took place in the Arsenal cinema in Tübingen .


The Animal Welfare Party supported the production of the film financially and organized several special screenings in 2016. Other partners included Doctors Against Animal Experiments , PETA and Swissveg .


“Documentary about the contradictions in dealing with animals. [...]. Your fiery plea against meat consumption loses sight of all measure and raises the question of a more adequate film language to change the way we treat animals. "

"Sabine Kückelmann tells very personally and empathetically and that is exactly how she reaches the audience."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. In the name of the animals - film plot and background . Retrieved May 7, 2016 .
  2. ^ "In the name of the animals" in Tübingen cinema . Retrieved May 7, 2016 .
  3. ^ "In the name of the animals" - A film by Sabine Kückelmann . Retrieved May 7, 2016 .
  4. ^ In the name of the animals . Retrieved May 7, 2016 .