Information service for disseminating missed news

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Information service for disseminating missed news
Information service for the dissemination of missing messages Logo.gif
Headquarters Frankfurt am Main
First edition 1973
attitude 1981
Frequency of publication weekly
ISSN (print)

The information service for the dissemination of missing messages ( ID ) appeared in Frankfurt am Main as a weekly newspaper from 1973 with an initial circulation of 500 copies and was discontinued in 1981.


The newspaper sees itself as reporting "from below" with little editorial post-processing.

The concept of the information service for the dissemination of missed news (ID) reads in 1976: “The counter-public media not only transport images of political change, they also implement them in their internal structure, in their own working relationships and modes of communication. There is no separation between doers and consumers. ”This concept of counter-public was mostly inadequate. In terms of content, this led to a collection of messages from the areas of “repression”, everyday prison life and grassroots group activities that were shaped by the anti-nuclear movement that was emerging at the time , or also by the topics that were currently occupying the left . As an alternative news agency , the ID was an integral part of the alternative press of the 1970s, and the texts were frequently reprinted by other small newspapers.

With its concept of basic reporting, the ID is considered to be the forerunner of the taz . After the newspaper was closed, it became the Archive for Alternative Media , which was transferred to Amsterdam in 1988 and is now part of the International Institute for Social History .

The information service was continued in terms of content and personnel from 1988 to 2007 in a “Verlag ID-Archiv”, also “Edition ID-Archiv”, which last traded as “ID-Verlag” and has since been delivering the published publications.

See also

Confusion possibility

  • The abbreviation ID for a print medium is also used for an "information and documentation service", documented from 1994 to 2002, published by the right-wing radical publisher Roland Bohlinger, in the publishing house for holistic research .


  • Project memory. ID article from the years '73 -'81 . ID archive in the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam 1988, ISBN 3-89408-001-9 ( )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. p.7 ( Memento of the original dated May 31, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /