Informatorium školy mateřské

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Title page of the German edition from 1636

Informatorium školy mateřské (German: Informatorium (Erzieheranleitung) der Mutterschule ) is a guide for parents and educators, which Johann Amos Comenius wrote in exile in Leszno , Poland, in the years 1630–1632 . It is the first systematic treatise on the upbringing of preschool children. Comenius originally wrote it in the Czech language . It was to be part of a (unfinished) comprehensive educational work on the reform of the Czech school system after the return of the Czechs living in exile to their homeland.

The title of the German edition of 1636 reads: “Informatorium maternum, the mother school. This is a correct and obvious account of how pious parents partly themselves, partly through their wet nurses , child caretakers and other assistants, their most precious treasure, the children, in the first six years before they are handed over to the Preceptors , quite reasonable, to honor God, to comfort them themselves, but to raise and exercise the children for bliss. "


Comenius himself translated his writing into German in 1633 after hopes of returning home were dashed. It was printed in 1633 in Leszno and 1636 in Nuremberg under the title Informatorium maternum, der Mutterschul . This was soon followed by editions in Polish ( Toruń 1636, not preserved) and in Swedish (Stockholm 1642). An English edition was prepared in 1641, but its printing cannot be verified. The oldest surviving English edition, School of Infancy , was printed in London in 1858. A Latin edition, Schola infantiae , was prepared by Comenius in Sárospatak in 1653 ; it was printed in Amsterdam in 1657. The Czech manuscript was only discovered by Anton Gindely in Leszno in 1856 and printed in Prague in 1858.


Comenius is considered to be the founder of European pre-school education. In his information center at the mother's school , he was the first to present a “scientifically based concept” for “all-round support for the child”. In 12 chapters, the work offers instructions for raising children up to the age of 6 years. The upbringing should take special account of the child's level of development and abilities, it should take into account their playfulness and natural curiosity. Comenius emphasizes the importance of children and urges parents to carefully look after their development and encouragement right from the start. In the title of the first chapter it says: "Children are God's most dearest gift and noblest gem, well worth holding up and diligent care".

Parents and educators should treat them carefully: “So that their bodies are tender, their legs soft, their veins weak, and everything is still weak. Should you take them in your hands, pick them up, lay them down, carry them, wrap them up, weigh them, so that they do not twist or break any limb with careless tying, laying, lifting, bumping or falling, and so don't get lame, deaf, blind. A child is an expensive gem, to be valued above all gold, but more uncertain than ever a glass, which can be easily broken or injured, that irreversible damage will result. "

The book contains a wealth of rules for caring for and raising children, advice on proper nutrition and clothing, age-appropriate games and activities. It brings nursery rhymes and children's prayers, discusses issues of language education and the beginnings of ethical and religious education. The mother should always breastfeed her child herself whenever possible. Comenius sharply criticizes the custom of leaving children to foreign wives. Pregnant women are also admonished to adopt a healthy lifestyle so that their child is not harmed (Chapter 5, No. 3).

The mother school is the first part of a comprehensive educational concept that Comenius explains in the preface to the Christian reader and in his Didactica magna in chap. 27 describes in more detail. Comenius differentiates between four age groups in upbringing and education, and for each level he calls for a special school lasting six years. The first stage is childhood from 1 to 6 years of age, their school is the mother school. This is followed by the general elementary school (mother tongue school) up to the age of 12, the Latin school (grammar school) up to the age of 18 and the university up to the age of 24. The mother school forms the basis and is a preparation for the following schools.


  • Johann Amos Comenius: The labyrinth of the world and other masterpieces . Ed .: Klaus Schaller. Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-421-05256-5 (461 pages). Informatorium maternum, the mother school on pages 243-340, German based on the Nuremberg edition of 1636, revised by Klaus Schaller.
  • Johann Amos Comenius: The mother school . Ed .: Karl Würzburger. Hänssler, Neuhausen-Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-7751-3026-8 (80 pages, German translation by Karl Würzburger 1941).
  • Jan Kumpera: Jan Amos Komenský, Poutník na rozhraní věků (= Johann Amos Comenius [Ed.]: Wanderer in the upheaval of times ). Amosium Servis, Ostrava 1992, ISBN 80-85498-03-0 , p. 246-247 (Czech, 372 pp.).
  • Jan Václav Novák: Jan Amos Komenský, jeho život a spisy . Dědictví Komenského, Praha 1932, p. 155–158 (Czech, 722 pages, online in the Městská knihovna v Praze digital repository [accessed April 27, 2019]).
  • Will S. Monroe: Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Reform . Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1900, p. 109–122 ( available online [accessed February 24, 2017]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jan Kumpera: Jan Amos Komenský, Poutník na rozhraní věků . Amosium Servis, Ostrava 1992, ISBN 80-85498-03-0 , p. 253-254 (Czech, 372 pp.).
  2. ^ Will S. Monroe: Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Reform . Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1900, p. 109 (English, available online ). Retrieved February 12, 2017.
  3. ^ Jan Václav Novák: Jan Amos Komenský, jeho život a spisy . Dědictví Komenského, Praha 1932, p. 155–158 (Czech, 722 pages, online in the Městská knihovna v Praze digital repository [accessed April 27, 2019]).
  4. Rainer Dollase (Ed.): Handbuch der Früh- und Vorschulpädagogik, Vol. 1 . Schwan, Düsseldorf 1978, ISBN 3-590-14356-8 , pp. 21 .
  5. Informatorium maternum, the mother school , chap. 1 in: Johann Amos Comenius: The labyrinth of the world and other masterpieces . Ed .: Klaus Schaller. Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-421-05256-5 , pp. 250 (461 pp.).
  6. Informatorium maternum, the mother school , chap. 5, No. 4, in: Johann Amos Comenius: The labyrinth of the world and other masterpieces . Ed .: Klaus Schaller. Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-421-05256-5 , pp. 281 (461 pp.).