Anton Gindely
Anton Gindely (actually Gindele ) (born September 3, 1829 in Prague ; † October 27, 1892 ibid) was a historian , university professor and influential interpreter of national history in Bohemia .
Anton Gindely was a son of the couple Joseph Gindele, master carpenter in Prague, who came from a family that in 1720 a (1792-1867) manorial had immigrated to the Hungarian Count Karolyi of Nagykároly in Nagykaroli, and Veronica, born Vila, who came from Bohemia and died in 1873. Anton Gindely married Minna Behse, from Livonia , in 1862 .
Live and act
The national and cultural diversity of the Habsburg monarchy is reflected in life and in Anton Gindely's publications . His father was a German-speaking craftsman from Hungary; his mother Veronika was a Czech-speaking woman from Bohemia. He received his education in German. So I know how to live with individual nationalities without being in the least biased by one , he wrote in a letter. Gindely first studied theology, law , philosophy and history at the Charles University in Prague , was a student of Constantin von Höfler and Frantisek Palacky and received his doctorate in philosophy in 1852 . He then taught a. a. at the kk bohemian secondary school in Prague, from 1853 to 1855 at the K. u k. Franzens University in Olomouc (today: Palacký University Olomouc ) as a chair representative, undertook extensive archival trips to Bohemia, Poland, Germany, France, Spain and the Netherlands with financial support . Since 1867, as a full professor of Austrian history at the Charles University in Prague, he taught among others Josef Kalousek .
In the same year he also began his work as the regional archivist of Bohemia . The foundation of the source edition Monumenta historiae bohemica in 1855 was of great importance . 1864 he was elected to the Royal Bohemian Association of Sciences , in 1870 he became a full member of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna and 1890 member of the Czech Academy of Franz-Josef ... .
Due to the influence of his father, he was never able to make friends with the national aspirations of the Czechs and was a lobbyist of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy . In the then nationally polarizing society of Bohemia, on the one hand the Germans, on the other the nationally thinking Czechs, he found it difficult to find his way around. He is said to have tried to found a center political party, but his work at the university did not give him enough time.
Anton Gindely was an extraordinarily prolific historian. He created an extensive body of work, largely dealing with the history of the 17th and 18th centuries. In the first years he devoted himself mainly to the time of the Hussites and the Bohemian Brothers . To this end , he edited the sources on the history of the Bohemian brothers and the decrees of the brotherhood . This was followed by books about the time of the reign of Emperor Rudolf II , about the Thirty Years War and its prehistory, especially about the class uprising in Bohemia (1618) . His multi-volume history of the Bohemian uprising was published in German and in Czech. In preparation for this, Gindely systematically researched the archives of almost all the powers involved in the Thirty Years War, including the state archives in Prague, Vienna, Munich, Saxony, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , Stockholm, Paris, Brussels (Chancellery of the Spanish Netherlands ) and the Archivo General de Simancas . With the sources he developed, he placed research on the history of Central Europe in the first half of the 17th century on a new basis. A century later, Golo Mann also mentions Wallenstein in his book . His life tells of Golo Mann how useful Gindely's research was to him.
Even as an archivist and university professor, Gindely did not forget his beginnings as a history teacher; he continued to see himself as a pedagogue . He wrote textbooks for all school levels. They were in use in Austria-Hungary in many editions and in many editions until 1918 and were translated from German into the other main languages of the imperial and royal monarchy: into Czech, Hungarian and Italian.
Fonts (in selection)
Monographs in German
- About Johann Amos Comenius' life and activity abroad . Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna - Philosophical-Historical Class, Vienna 1855.
- Religious conditions in Bohemia and Moravia in the early days of Maximilian II's reign. Annual report of the Imperial and Royal Bohemian Secondary School in Prague, Prague 1857.
Bohemia and Moravia in the Age of Reformation. History of the Bohemian Brothers . 2 volumes. Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1857–1858
- Volume 1: 1450-1564 . 1857.
- Volume 2: 1564-1609 . 1858.
- Contributions to the history of the 30 Years War . Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing House, Vienna 1859.
- Rudolf II and his time, 1600–1612 . 2 volumes. Carl Bellmann, Prague 1863 and 1865.
- History of the issuing of the Bohemian Majesty Letter from 1609 . Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1868.
- History of Bohemian Finances from 1526 to 1618 . Imperial-Royal Court and State Printing House, Vienna 1868.
History of the Thirty Years War . Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1869–1880 (different volume counting in later editions)
- Volume 1: History of the Bohemian Uprising of 1618 . 1869.
- Volume 2: Ferdinand II's penal decrees and the Palatinate War, 1621 to 1623 . 1880.
- Extended new edition continued until 1648:
History of the Thirty Years' War in three sections . Friedrich Tempsky, Prague, and G. Freytag, Leipzig, 1882
- Volume 1: The Bohemian Uprising and its Punishment, 1618 to 1621
- Volume 2: The Lower Saxony, Danish and Swedish wars up to the death of Gustav Adolf , 1622 to 1632
- Volume 3: The Swedish War since Gustav Adolf's death and the Swedish-French War up to the Peace of Westphalia, 1632 to 1648
- Illustrated history of the 30 Years War . Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1887.
- On the judgment of the imperial general in the 30-year war, Albrechts von Waldstein. An answer to Dr. Hermann Hallwich . Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1887
- The Habsburgs' maritime plans and Emperor Ferdinand II's participation in the Polish-Swedish war during the years 1627–1629. A contribution to the history of the 30 Years War . Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1890.
Monographs in the Czech language
- Dějiny českého povstání léta 1618 (History of the Czech Uprising in 1618). 4 volumes. Bedrich Tempsky, Prague 1869–1880
Source editions
- Sources on the history of the Bohemian brothers, mainly relating to their connection with Germany . Imperial and Royal Court and State Printing House, Vienna 1859.
Monumenta historiae Bohemica edita auxilio illustrium amicorum patriae historiae . 10 volumes. Kober, Prague 1865–1868. In it u. a .:
- Volume 1: Dekrety jednoty bratrské / Decrete of the Brethren Congregation . 1865.
- The reports of the battle on the white mountain near Prague . Karl Gerold's son, Vienna 1877
- Acta et documenta historiam Gabrielis Bethlen . Academia scientiarum hungarica, Budapest 1890
- Textbook of general history for secondary schools . Carl Bellmann, Prague 1860 (and numerous other editions)
- Textbook of general history for the upper grammar schools . 3 volumes (ancient / medieval / modern). Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1861 (and numerous other editions)
- Textbook of history for the lower grades of middle schools . 3 volumes (ancient / medieval / modern). Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1873 (and numerous other editions)
- History textbook for elementary and community schools . Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1880 (editions from 1884 under the title Textbook of History for Citizens Schools ); separate editions for boys 'schools and for girls' schools
In recognition of his achievements, the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe awarded the Anton Gindely Prize from 1979 to 2012 to those scientists who made a special contribution to international understanding in the Danube region.
- Almanac of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna (1851 ff.), 43, p. 296 ff.
- Constantin von Wurzbach : Gindely, Anton . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 14th part. Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1865, pp. 458–461 ( digitized version ).
- Berthold Bretholz : Gindely, Anton . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 49, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1904, pp. 364-367.
- Richard G. Plaschka: From Palacký to Pekař. History and national consciousness among the Czechs . Böhlau, Graz 1955, pp. 35-44.
- Gindely Anton. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 1, Publishing House of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1957, p. 441 f. (Direct links on p. 441 , p. 442 ).
- Reinhold Lorenz: Gindely, Anton. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1964, ISBN 3-428-00187-7 , p. 402 ( digitized version ).
- Heribert Sturm : Biographical lexicon on the history of the Bohemian countries. Published on behalf of the Collegium Carolinum (Institute) , Volume I, R. Oldenbourg Verlag Munich Vienna 1979, ISBN 3-486-49491-0 , p. 437
Web links
- Literature by and about Anton Gindely in the catalog of the German National Library
- Literature and other media by and about Anton Gindely in the catalog of the National Library of the Czech Republic
- Markéta Novotná: Antonín Gindely (1829-1892). (Czech)
Individual evidence
- ^ Letter to Joseph Alexander von Helfert , February 13, 1857, quoted in Plaschka: Von Palacký bis Pekař , 1955, p. 36.
- ↑ On this Anton Gindely: Rudolf II. Und seine Zeit, 1600–1612 . Volume 1, 2nd, revised edition. Friedrich Tempsky, Prague 1868, p. 3ff.
- ↑ Golo Mann: Wallenstein. His life is told by Golo Mann . S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 2nd edition October 1971, ISBN 3-10-047903-3 , p. 218.
- ^ Anton Gindely Prize .
personal data | |
SURNAME | Gindely, Anton |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Gindely, Antonín |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | bohemian historian |
DATE OF BIRTH | September 3, 1829 |
DATE OF DEATH | October 27, 1892 |
Place of death | Prague |