Ingram Bywater

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Ingram Bywater. Painting by John Singer Sargent (1901)

Ingram Bywater (born June 27, 1840 in London , † December 18, 1914 ) was a British classical philologist .

Bywater, the son of a pastor, attended University College School , King's College School and Queen's College , Oxford. After graduation, he became a fellow at Exeter College , Oxford in 1863 . In 1883 he was appointed Reader in Greek , in 1893 Regius Professor of Greek . His inaugural lecture was entitled Four Centuries of Greek Learning in England .

Bywaters research focus was the Greek philosophy, especially Aristotle and the Peripatetic . He published numerous critical editions and collections of fragments, from the 1880s in collaboration with the Prussian Academy of Sciences , which elected him as a corresponding member. In 1894 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . In 1902 he became a member ( fellow ) of the British Academy .

The Bywater and Sotheby Professor of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature in the field of Byzantine and Neo- Greek Studies at Oxford University is named after Bywater . The professorship was established in 1915 on the basis of and with the means of the legacy of Charlotte Bywater, the widow Bywaters and the Oxford classical philologist Hans Sotheby (1827-1875).

Fonts (selection)

  • Heracliti Ephesii Reliquiae . Oxford 1877.
  • Prisciani Lydi quae extant . Berlin 1886.
  • The fragments of the work of Heraclitus of Ephesus on nature . Baltimore 1889.
  • Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea . Oxford 1890.
  • Contributions to the Textual Criticism of the Nicomachean Ethics . Oxford 1892.
  • Aristotelis De arte poetica liber . Oxford 1898.
  • Aristotle on the Art of Poetry . Oxford 1920.


  • William Walrond Jackson: Ingram Bywater. The Memoir of an Oxford Scholar, 1840-1914 . Clarendon Press, Oxford 1917 ( online ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Deceased Fellows. British Academy, accessed May 12, 2020 .
predecessor Office successor
Benjamin Jowett Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford University
Gilbert Murray