Institute for ecological economic research

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Institute for ecological economic research
Institute for ecological economic research
Category: research Institute
Legal form of the carrier: Profit company
Membership: Ecological Research Network (Ecornet)
Facility location: Berlin
Branch office: Heidelberg
Type of research: Applied research
Subjects: Environmental research
Employee: 110 (including student assistants)

The Institute for Ecological Economic Research (IÖW) GmbH, non-profit, is an independent environmental research institute based in Berlin with a further branch in Heidelberg. Since 2005, IÖW and future eV have been comparing and evaluating sustainability reports from German companies in a ranking .

The IÖW was founded in 1985 and has a turnover of over two million euros with more than 40 employees. The institute is managed in the legal form of a non-profit GmbH (gGmbH); Partners are around 40 private sponsors and a sponsoring association.

The management is shared by Thomas Korbun (scientific director) and Marion Wiegand (commercial director).

The scientific advisory board includes a. to: Eberhard Seidel and Udo Simonis .

Subject areas of the institute are

The IÖW receives orders from companies, associations and private foundations as well as government institutions. It works u. a. Research projects of the European Union and the United Nations Environment Program ( UNEP ).

In oekom publishing the IÖW published jointly with the Association for Ecological Economic Research quarterly, the journal Ecological management .

On the occasion of the publication of the book “Postwachstumsgesellschaft” by Angelika Zahrnt and Irmi Seidl , the IÖW initiated the blog post growth, which it runs together with the Association for Ecological Economic Research (VÖW) and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy . The blog authors discuss the constraints that keep us on the growth path and alternative development options for a society that is not dependent on growth. In addition, the blog provides information about the work of the Enquete Commission on growth, prosperity, quality of life - ways to sustainable business and social progress in the social market economy , about dates and current texts on the topic of postal growth.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. IÖW / WB, accessed January 17, 2019

Coordinates: 52 ° 30 ′ 0.5 ″  N , 13 ° 21 ′ 49.6 ″  E