Instruments (museum)

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Nothweiler Hauptstr20.jpg
Former instruments in the Nothweiler parish hall
place Nothweiler
Photo Museum
opening 2001

The instruments in the former parish hall in Nothweiler , Palatinate , were a museum for optics , cameras , projectors , measuring technology and mathematical devices. It was opened in 2001 with a private individual's collection of 400 exhibits. At the end of 2012 the museum was closed and the collection was auctioned.


In the field of optics, the development of visual aids , binoculars, microscopes and in the field of photography cameras from the camera obscura to the agent camera were shown. These were projectors to see and other playback devices.

In terms of measuring instruments, devices from nautical science and mining , scales, wind and heat meters and measuring devices from electrical engineering were presented.

A separate department dealt with mathematics. You could see slide rules and calculating machines .

Individual evidence

  1. According to the mayor's message to the author

Web links

Commons : Instrumentarium  - collection of images

Coordinates: 49 ° 4 '8.8 "  N , 7 ° 47' 55.9"  E