International Risk Governance Council

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The International Risk Governance Council ( IRGC , German International Risk Council ) is an independent foundation and think tank. As a science-based think tank, it deals with the topic of risk management and provides decision-makers, especially legislators and companies, with information in order to anticipate potential risks and understand their consequences. This includes all measures for the detection, analysis, assessment, monitoring, management and control of risks.


The IRGC was founded in June 2003 on the initiative of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation in Geneva . The founding director was Wolfgang Kröger. In June 2012, the secretariat was relocated to EPFL in Lausanne in order to strengthen links with science.

Organization and tasks

The Foundation is now run by a Foundation Board of seven, of which Philippe Gillet is President . A "Scientific and Technical Council" comprises 13 scientists from several countries.

The IRGC has a special advisory status at the UN ( Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and in the Sustainable Development Solutions Network ) and is accredited by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The core tasks include:

  • the identification of potential risks and risk factors in the earliest possible phase [of a critical development],
  • the presentation of the facts of a problem area and the associated risks as well as the strategic handling of this,
  • the identification of steering deficits in risk management that seem to have hindered or hindered the efficiency in dealing with the previous approaches with regard to structures and processes,
  • the formulation of recommendations in order to overcome these deficits.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. IRGC: About IRGC (engl.)
  2. see IRCG: Strategy ; Quote: Our intention is to help decision-makers, particularly policy-makers to anticipate and understand emerging risks […].
  3. IRGC: History
  4. Message from the Federal Council on the promotion of education, research and innovation in the years 2013–2016 (PDF) of February 22, 2012 Goal 6, p. 3153
  5. IRCG: Foundation Board
  6. see IRCG: Strategy > Our core process; Quote:
    • Identifying potential risk issues at the earliest possible stage
    • Understanding the issue and the associated risks as well as the institutions and risk governance structures and processes that are currently in place for assessing and managing the risks
    • Identifying governance gaps which appear to hinder the efficacy of the existing risk governance structures and processes
    • Making recommendations for overcoming these gaps .