June 2003

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This article covers breaking news and events in June 2003.

Daily events

Sunday June 1, 2003

The effort for the world economic summit increases every year

Monday June 2, 2003

Tuesday June 3, 2003

Wednesday June 4, 2003

Thursday June 5, 2003

Jürgen Möllemann

Friday June 6, 2003

Saturday June 7, 2003

The Bundeswehr in Afghanistan

Sunday June 8, 2003

Referendum in Poland: municipalities with majority for EU accession in orange
  • Algeria : Tuareg find the Toyota bus of the four tourists from Switzerland kidnapped in the Sahara . There is still no trace of the missing persons as well as ten Germans and one Dutchman . In February and March, 32 tourists were kidnapped in the Sahara. 17 of them have been released so far.
  • Warsaw / Poland : Around 77.5% of the eligible voters vote in a referendum for Poland to join the European Union .

Tuesday June 10, 2003

Wednesday June 11, 2003

Thursday June 12, 2003

Friday June 13, 2003

Saturday June 14, 2003

  • Berlin / Germany : Retail and beverage industry give way in the dispute over the central can deposit . From October 1, there will be a uniform take-back system for one-way packaging in Germany.

Sunday June 15, 2003

Monday June 16, 2003

Tuesday June 17, 2003

Wednesday June 18, 2003

Thursday June 19, 2003

Friday June 20, 2003

Saturday June 21, 2003

  • London / United Kingdom : Just in time for the summer solstice , the fifth Harry Potter novel will be published in English worldwide . At over 1,000 pages, the volume is longer than any previous book in the children's book series. The publisher already has over a million pre-orders. The German translation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is due to appear on November 8th.

Sunday June 22, 2003

Monday June 23, 2003

Tuesday June 24, 2003

Wednesday June 25, 2003

Thursday June 26, 2003

  • Brussels / Belgium : The Agriculture Commissioner of the European Union (EU) Franz Fischler announces the agreement of the agriculture ministers of the member states on a new premium model in agriculture. The funds of the EU are to be decoupled from the production and only secure the existence of the companies, so the producers can adapt more flexibly to the market situation .
  • Germany : In connection with the can deposit , the demand for drinks in returnable bottles increased this year, but the number of returnable bottles themselves did not increase. Around one million empty boxes are missing from retailers.
  • Lyon / France : The Cameroonian player Marc-Vivien Foé suffers cardiac arrest during a game between the football teams of Colombia and Cameroon in the FIFA Confederations Cup . Resuscitation attempts remain unsuccessful.

Friday June 27, 2003

Metrorapid model in Essen

Saturday June 28, 2003

Sunday June 29, 2003

Monday June 30, 2003

European Council logo

See also

Web links

Baden-Württemberg in June 2003
Commons : June 2003  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Extraordinary Federal Party Congress in Berlin. In: spd.de . Retrieved November 3, 2017 (Minutes).
  2. Sommet d'Évian 2003. In: g8.utoronto.ca, University of Toronto . Retrieved April 3, 2017 .
  3. ^ ÖFB-Cup - final. In: austria80.at. Retrieved November 3, 2017 .
  4. Elenco Edizioni. In: museociclismo.it, Museo del Ciclismo Associazione. Retrieved October 24, 2017 (Italian).
  5. dlr.de : Mars Express ( Memento from February 20, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
  6. ^ Opposition does not want to block Schröder's reforms. In: stern.de . June 2, 2003, accessed November 10, 2018 .
  7. 11 WDR cinema productions nominated for the German Film Prize 2003 - “Good bye, Lenin!” In six categories alone. In: presseportal.de , material from WDR . April 14, 2003, accessed August 21, 2019 .
  8. ^ German Film Prize 2003 - 13 film prizes for productions with the Filmstiftung NRW. In: filmstiftung.de . June 10, 2003, accessed August 21, 2019 .
  9. The Fallen - a sad list. In: fr.de . June 5, 2009, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  10. Time table Poland 1989-2011. In: deutsches-polen-institut.de . Retrieved January 14, 2019 .
  11. java.net: About Javapedia ( Memento from December 25, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  12. Clear majority at the party conference in Cottbus. In: derstandard.at . June 15, 2003. Retrieved November 25, 2017 .
  13. ^ Riots after the European Water Polo Championships. In: rp-online.de . June 16, 2003, accessed December 6, 2018 .
  14. swisscom.com : Schools on the Internet ( Memento of October 2, 2003 in the Internet Archive )
  15. Deadly Nigerian pipeline disasters. In: reuters.com . May 15, 2008, accessed November 26, 2017 .
  16. "Berlusconi harms Italy and now also Europe". In: faz.net . June 30, 2003, accessed December 8, 2017 .