October 2003

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This article covers breaking news and events in October 2003.

Daily events

Wednesday October 1, 2003

Thursday October 2, 2003

Friday 3rd October 2003

  • Las Vegas / United States : During a show at the Hotel Mirage, a seven-year-old tiger named Montecore, who is part of the performance for the first time, attacks Roy Horn from the tamer duo Siegfried and Roy , so that the artist has to be admitted to a hospital seriously injured.
  • Midsayap / Philippines : A hand grenade was thrown at a mosque in Midsayap in the south of the Philippines . Four people were killed and over 30 injured.
  • Pakistan : Pakistan has tested a nuclear weapons capable short - range missile. This can also be used to reach the hostile neighboring country India .

Saturday 4th October 2003

Sunday 5th October 2003

  • China : After heavy rainfall, hundreds of thousands of people in northern China are threatened by a flood disaster. The Yellow River and its tributaries threaten to overflow their banks.
  • Syria : In retaliation for the terrorist attack the day before, the Israeli air force attacked an Islamic Jihad training camp in Syria.
  • Chechnya / Russia : In the presidential elections in Chechnya, the Moscow-loyal candidate Akhmat Kadyrov received 81% of the vote. The election has been criticized by observers because it did not meet Western standards.

Monday October 6, 2003

Tuesday October 7, 2003

Wednesday October 8, 2003

Thursday October 9, 2003

Friday October 10, 2003

Saturday October 11, 2003

Sunday October 12, 2003

Scene from the Women's World Cup final

Monday October 13, 2003

Tuesday October 14, 2003

Wednesday October 15, 2003

Thursday October 16, 2003

Emblem of the mission of the first Taikonaut

Friday October 17, 2003

Saturday October 18, 2003

Sunday October 19, 2003

Monday October 20, 2003

  • Washington, DC / United States : The US budget deficit has reached a record high of 374 billion dollars this year, which equates to a new federal debt of 1,345 dollars per capita . In addition to the weak economic situation, the main reasons for this increase are expenses for the Iraq war and tax cuts.

Tuesday October 21, 2003

APEC Summit 2003

Wednesday October 22, 2003

  • Germany : The toll collection company Toll Collect has approved the publication of the contract with the Ministry of Transport.
  • Israel , Palestinian Autonomous Territories : Despite the vote of the UN General Assembly , which condemned the construction of the Israeli barriers with 144 votes against 4, Israel wants to further expand the controversial border fence, which runs largely across the Green Line on the territory of the West Bank.
  • United States : The pricing policy of the US group Halliburton comes under criticism of the US Congress. Halliburton sells gasoline in Iraq more expensive than in the US, at $ 1.59 a gallon. An Iraqi company wants to be able to offer gasoline for 98 cents a gallon. Research revealed that some of the money for gasoline comes from the UN “Oil for Food” fund.
  • Vienna / Austria : The National Council rejects the request for a committee of inquiry into the shareholdings of Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser . The Treasury Secretary has been criticized for failing to properly report his shareholding to the Incompatibility Committee.
  • According to a study by the Sunshine Project , ethnic weapons are possible. These would be biological weapons that only hit certain peoples due to their genetic disposition.

Thursday October 23, 2003

  • Germany : According to a report by the television program Panorama , the treasurers of the Bavarian FDP and CSU have accepted illegal donation offers from journalists disguised as building contractors . They approached the parties with a request to place donations over € 30,000 anonymously. The treasurers recommended that the donation be given in denominations and distributed among women and children as donors. The Greens and the SPD rejected the same offers as illegal.
  • Russia : An accident occurred in a coal mine in southern Russia. After a water ingress and a subsequent power failure, 46 miners from the Shakhty mine in the Rostov-on-Don region were trapped at a depth of 800 m.
  • Vienna / Austria : Parliament passes a new asylum law with the majority of the governing coalition . Opposition and human rights activists criticize the law, which significantly restricts the rights of asylum seekers.

Friday October 24, 2003

  • London / United Kingdom : The airline British Airways completed the last scheduled flight of Concorde , the era thus goes after three decades to an end. The trigger for the decommissioning was a crash in July 2000 not far from Paris.
  • Washington, DC / United States : A US Senate committee has made serious allegations against the CIA , which did inadequate educational work in the run-up to the Iraq invasion.

Saturday October 25, 2003

Sunday October 26, 2003

  • Baghdad / Iraq : The El-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad was hit by several rockets. Mostly American soldiers live there, currently also US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz . One American was killed and 15 people injured.
  • Brandenburg / Germany : The SPD suffers heavy losses in the local elections in Brandenburg . At the same time as the elections, the nationwide municipal reform will come into force. The number of municipalities will decrease from 1,479 to 422.
  • China : 8 people were killed in two earthquakes in the north-west of the People's Republic . Thousands were left homeless in the frost.
  • California / United States : According to the authorities, 13 people fell victim to the widespread forest fires in California.

Monday October 27, 2003

  • Baghdad / Iraq : A series of attacks rocked the Iraqi capital Baghdad. 2 car bombs hit the building of the International Committee of the Red Cross . The Iraqi Ministry of Industry and a police station were other targets. 43 people were killed and over 200 injured in the attacks.
  • Nigeria : Spiritual leaders have stopped polio vaccinations in Nigeria. They want to investigate rumors of vaccine contamination. The World Health Organization has made Nigeria the center of its polio campaign as it threatens to spread there.

Tuesday October 28, 2003

  • Germany : Employer President Hundt has warned the Union of a blockade of tax reform in the Federal Council . The heads of several large German business enterprises have also asked the CDU for approval.
  • Germany : The federal government gives the 1995 to stated purpose, the CO 2 to reduce emissions by 2005 by 25% compared to 1990 levels. Instead, the internationally agreed target of a 21% reduction by 2012 applies.
  • Fallujah / Iraq : 6 people, including students from a neighboring school, were killed in an attack on a police station.

Wednesday October 29, 2003

Thursday October 30, 2003

Friday October 31, 2003

See also

Web links

Canton of Jura in October 2003
Commons : October 2003  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commission outlines road map for European Initiative for Growth. In: europa.eu . October 1, 2003, accessed December 5, 2018 .
  2. More information - United States of America. In: unesco.org . Retrieved November 12, 2019 .
  3. qucosa.de : Relations between UNESCO and the United States of America with special attention to multilateral education funding ( Memento of November 12, 2019 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ The 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature. In: nobelprize.org . October 2, 2003, accessed December 19, 2016 .
  5. ^ The 2003 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In: nobelprize.org . October 6, 2003, accessed August 24, 2019 .
  6. ^ The Nobel Prize in Physics 2003. In: nobelprize.org . October 7, 2003, accessed August 24, 2019 .
  7. ^ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003. In: nobelprize.org . October 8, 2003, accessed August 24, 2019 .
  8. ^ The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2003. In: nobelprize.org . October 8, 2003, accessed December 11, 2016 .
  9. Series of attacks shakes the country. In: rundschau-online.de . March 2, 2004, accessed June 3, 2020 .
  10. ^ The Nobel Peace Prize for 2003. In: nobelprize.org . October 10, 2003, accessed August 24, 2019 .
  11. The steep rise of European women. In: fifa.com . Retrieved July 12, 2017 .
  12. fifa.com : FIFA Women's World Cup USA 2003 ( Memento from July 31, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  13. Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (Ed.): 2003. Susan Sontag . Frankfurt am Main 2003 ( friedenspreis-des-deutschen-buchhandels.de [PDF] certificate).
  14. ^ Terror joins trade on the APEC agenda. In: theage.com.au . October 18, 2003, accessed August 7, 2019 .
  15. trinews.at, Stefan Leitner: Women ( Memento from March 1, 2020 in the Internet Archive )
  16. trinews.at, Stefan Leitner: Gentlemen ( Memento from March 1, 2020 in the Internet Archive )
  17. ^ Switzerland, elections held in 2003. In: ipu.org . Accessed September 4, 2018 .
  18. ^ The 2003 APEC Bangkok meetings and President Bush's East Asia visit. In: aph.gov.au . Retrieved March 9, 2020 .
  19. Alexander Kluge. In: deutscheakademie.de . October 25, 2003, accessed August 18, 2019 .
  20. Tory leader ousted. In: bbc.co.uk . October 29, 2003, accessed September 16, 2016 .