FDP Bavaria

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FDP Bavaria
Daniel Foest
Daniel Foest
Logo FDP Bayern 2015.svg
Chairman Daniel Foest
Deputy Katja Hessel
Karsten Klein
Ulrich Lechte
Secretary General Lukas Koehler
Treasurer Kristine Lütke
executive Director Marius Gauland
Honorary Chairwoman Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger
Establishment date May 30, 1946
Place of foundation Nuremberg
Headquarters Goethestrasse 17
80336 Munich
Landtag mandates
Number of members 6,534 (as of December 31, 2018)
Website fdp-bayern.de

The FDP Bayern is the regional association of the Free Democratic Party in Bavaria . It was founded in 1946.


1946 to 1969

On May 30, 1946, the Bavarian FDP was officially founded in Nuremberg . On May 15th, Thomas Dehler became chairman of the Bavarian FDP. The FDP achieved 5.7% of the vote in the state elections in Bavaria in 1946 and moved into the first Bavarian state parliament with 9 state parliament members. She became an opposition party. In the state elections in Bavaria in 1950 , the FDP achieved an increase in votes of 1.4 percentage points to 7.1% of the vote, and provided 12 members of the state parliament in the Bavarian state parliament. With the state elections in Bavaria in 1954 , the opposition period of the FDP ended. 7.2% were achieved, which corresponded to an increase in votes of 0.1 percentage points. The FDP provided a total of 13 members in the Bavarian state parliament. Together with the SPD, BP and GB / BHE, a government was formed under Prime Minister Wilhelm Hoegner. In the Hoegner II cabinet , the FDP provided a minister in the form of Economics and Transport Minister Otto Bezold . On July 8, 1956, Albrecht Haas replaced long-time chairman Thomas Dehler. On October 8, 1957, the coalition of four collapsed. The FDP formed a new government with GB / BHE and the CSU under Prime Minister Hanns Seidel. In the Seidel I cabinet , the FDP once again provided a minister, Interior Minister Otto Bezold.

The state elections in Bavaria in 1958 brought the FDP a loss of 1.6 percentage points. Overall, the FDP was able to return to the Bavarian state parliament with a result of 5.6% and 8 members. The coalition with the CSU and GB / BHE was continued. In the Seidel II cabinet , the FDP provided Justice Minister Albrecht Haas as a minister. From January 26, 1960, Hans Ehard took over the office of Prime Minister, the coalition continued with the same ministerial staff. The state election in Bavaria in 1962 ended with a result of 5.9% for the FDP, compared to the last state election it gained 0.3 percentage points and had 9 members in the state parliament. It became an opposition party for the next 46 years. From November 29, 1964, Klaus Dehler replaced Albrecht Haas as chairman. The state election in Bavaria in 1966 ended in a fiasco for the FDP. It was only achieved 5.1% and due to the Bavarian suffrage at the time, the FDP left the state parliament for the first time. This was followed by four years of extra-parliamentary opposition time until 1970. On March 5, 1967, Dietrich Bahner became the new chairman of the Bavarian FDP.

1970 to 1999

With the state elections in Bavaria in 1970 , the Bavarian FDP returned to the state parliament with a result of 5.5% and an increase in votes of 0.4 percentage points. It had 10 members in the state parliament and became a parliamentary opposition party. In the same year, the Thomas Dehler Foundation, a party-affiliated foundation for Bavaria was established.

On March 6, 1971, Josef Ertl became chairman of the Bavarian FDP. In the state election in Bavaria in 1974 , the FDP lost 0.3 percentage points and entered the state parliament with 5.2% and 8 members. It remained an opposition party. In the subsequent state election , the FDP was able to gain 1.0 percentage points and achieved 6.2%. The FDP moved into the Bavarian state parliament with 10 members as the opposition party.

In the state elections in Bavaria in 1982 , the FDP only achieved 3.5%, which corresponds to losses of 2.7 percentage points. The FDP failed with the five percent hurdle and became an extra-parliamentary opposition party. On May 1, 1983 Manfred Brunner became the new chairman of the Bavarian FDP. The state election in Bavaria in 1986 brought an increase of 0.3 percentage points, but with a result of 3.8% it was not enough for a place in the state parliament. On February 18, 1989 Josef Grünbeck took over the office of chairman. It was not until the state elections in Bavaria in 1990 that the extra-parliamentary opposition period ended. With a plus of 1.4 percentage points and a result of 5.2%, the FDP moved into the Bavarian state parliament. It had 7 MPs and became a parliamentary opposition party. The new chairman was Max Stadler on June 8, 1991 .

The state elections in Bavaria in 1994 ended with a loss of 2.4 percentage points and a result of 2.8%. The FDP became an extra-parliamentary opposition party. With the state election in Bavaria in 1998 , the FDP lost 1.1 percentage points. Only 1.7% was achieved, the worst result since the Second World War . Another 5 extra-parliamentary opposition years followed. On November 28, 1998, Max Stadler was replaced as chairman by Hermann K. Stützer .

After the federal and state elections in 1998, the FDP Bavaria faced a serious crisis. She had got into considerable financial difficulties, which were also due to the fact that an employee had embezzled funds. Heavy wing battles, from which Hermann K. Stützer emerged victorious, also shook the party in terms of content and paralyzed political work.

2000 until today

The former chairwoman of the Bavarian FDP: Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger at a panel discussion in the Federal Ministry of Justice in August 2013.

On December 2nd, 2000 Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger was elected chairwoman of the Bavarian FDP. The state elections in Bavaria in 2003 brought the FDP gains of 0.9 percentage points, but with 2.6% it clearly missed out on entry into the Bavarian state parliament. This was followed by 5 years of extra-parliamentary opposition time until 2008. In the 2005 Bundestag election , the FDP Bayern won five additional mandates with 9.5% (+ 5%) of the second vote and provided a regional group with nine members in the 16th German Bundestag . With the state elections in 2008 , the FDP Bayern succeeded for the first time since the state elections in 1990 to again move into the Bavarian state parliament with 16 members of the state parliament and thus with a parliamentary group . 8.0% were achieved. Together with the CSU, a black-yellow coalition was formed under Prime Minister Seehofer. In the Seehofer I cabinet , the FDP provided two ministers: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economics, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Martin Zeil , and Minister of Science, Research and Art, Wolfgang Heubisch . In the 2009 Bundestag elections , the FDP Bayern won five additional mandates with 14.7% (+ 5.2%) of the second vote and in the 17th electoral term provided a fourteen-member state group in the 17th German Bundestag .

With the state elections on September 15, 2013 , the FDP dropped to 3.3 percent of the vote, so that after five years of parliamentary presence it is again not represented in the state parliament. A new period of extra-parliamentary opposition began. In the subsequent federal election on September 22, 2013 , the FDP in Bavaria received 5.1 percent of the votes, but failed to return to the Bundestag for the first time in its history with 4.8 percent of the votes nationwide. The 14 Bavarian members of the Bundestag lost their seats accordingly. On November 23, 2013 Albert Duin replaced the long-time chairwoman Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger as chairman.

Daniel Föst was elected as the new state chairman on November 11, 2017 . In the 2017 federal election , the Free Democrats returned to parliament, and the FDP Bavaria has been represented there by 12 members since then. In the run-up to the state elections in 2018 , Martin Hagen prevailed in the first primary election in party history as the top candidate of the Bavarian FDP. In the state elections on October 14, 2018, the Liberals managed to move into the Maximilianeum with 5.1 percent.

Government holdings

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria and Minister of State for Economy, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Martin Zeil (2011).

The FDP was involved in the following state governments in Bavaria:

Term of office cabinet Liberal ministers
1954-1957 Cabinet Hoegner II
Otto Bezold
Economy and Transport
1957-1958 Cabinet Seidel I
Otto Bezold
1958-1960 Cabinet Seidel II
Albrecht Haas
1960–1962 Cabinet Ehard IV
Albrecht Haas
2008-2013 Cabinet Seehofer I
Martin Zeil
Deputy Prime Minister, Economy, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology
Wolfgang Heubisch
Science, Research and Art


Presidium and Board of Directors

Every two years, the state party conference of the FDP Bavaria elects a presidium and a board that are responsible for the operational business of the state association in the respective legislative period (most recently on November 16 and 17, 2019 in Amberg ).

Surname function photo
Daniel Foest Chairman Daniel-Foest-FDP-Bayern.jpg
Lukas Koehler Secretary General Luke-9019.jpg
Karsten Klein Deputy Chairman 2020-02-13 Karsten Klein (KPFC) 01.jpg
Katja Hessel vice-chairman Katja Hessel 2016.jpg
Ulrich Lechte Deputy Chairman 2019-05-09 Ulrich Lechte FDP Member of the Bundestag by Olaf Kosinsky- MG 2487.jpg
Kristine Lütke Treasurer Placeholder no text.svg
Sabrina Böcking Secretary Placeholder no text.svg
Sebastian Koerber Assessor in the Presidium Sebastian Koerber laptbayern.jpg
Stephan Thomae Assessor in the Presidium 2012-02-02 Stephan Thomae 2292.JPG
Alexander Muthmann Assessor in the Presidium Alexander Muthmann, member of the FDP parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament.jpg
Other board members
Surname function photo
Phil Hackemann Assessor for Upper Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg
Nicole Bauer Assessor for Lower Bavaria 2020-02-13 Nicole Bauer (Bundestag project 2020) by Sandro Halank – 1.jpg
Loi Vo Assessor for the Upper Palatinate Placeholder no text.svg
Thomas Nagel Assessor for Upper Franconia Placeholder no text.svg
Daniel Bayer Assessor for Middle Franconia Placeholder no text.svg
Helmut Kaltenhauser Assessor for Lower Franconia Dr.  Helmut Kaltenhauser .jpg
Christian Toth Assessor for Swabia Placeholder no text.svg
Maximilian Funke-Kaiser Assessor (Chairman of the Young Liberals Bavaria) Placeholder no text.svg
Sandra Bubendorfer Assessor Placeholder no text.svg
Luisa Funke-Barjak Assessor Placeholder no text.svg
Marco German Assessor Placeholder no text.svg
Jakob Schäuble Assessor Placeholder no text.svg
Florian Hilpoltsteiner Assessor Placeholder no text.svg
Co-opted members
Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger Honorary Chairwoman Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger May 2019 8.jpg
Klaus von Lindeiner Ombudsperson Placeholder no text.svg
Martin Hagen Chairman of the parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament Martin Hagen .jpg
Matthias Fischbach Parliamentary managing director in the Bavarian state parliament Matthias Fischbach.jpg
Thomas Hacker Chairman of the Thomas Dehler Foundation 2012-07-18 - Thomas Hacker MdL - 8191.jpg
Marius Gauland Chief Executive Placeholder no text.svg
Rene Wendland Chief Executive of the parliamentary group in the Bavarian State Parliament Placeholder no text.svg
Axel Rötschke District Chairman Middle Franconia Placeholder no text.svg
Axel Schmidt District Chairman Upper Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg
Maria room District chairwoman of Lower Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg
Fritz Roth Mayor of Munich Placeholder no text.svg
Ursula Lex Chairwoman of the Association of Liberal Medium-Sized Enterprises in Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg
Katharina Walter Chairwoman of the Association of Liberal Women Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg
Peter Munster Chairman of the Association of Liberal Local Politicians in Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg
Horst Friedrich Chairwoman of the Association of Liberal Seniors Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg
Kilian Straube Chairman of the Association of Liberal University Groups Bavaria Placeholder no text.svg

Thematic state committees

In addition to the board of directors, the state party forms 20 state technical committees. Each of the committees consists of three delegates each from the district associations and one delegate each from the Young Liberals and the Liberal University Group. The committees are structured thematically and serve to create the content-related positions. You work in close cooperation with the board and the parliamentary group.

The political work of the state board is expertly supported by the following state technical committees:

  • Domestic, legal and consumer protection
  • Education, school and sport
  • media
  • Science, research, university and culture
  • Economy, technology and energy
  • Finances and budget
  • Transport, regional development and housing
  • environment
  • Food, Agriculture and Forestry
  • Work, social and inclusion
  • Intergenerational equity and equality
  • health
  • Foreign, European and Security Policy
  • Network policy
  • Integration and migration
  • Association for Liberal Small Business Policy
  • Local politics (VLK)
  • Evangelical-Liberal Discussion Group
  • Catholic-Liberal Working Group
  • State Statute Committee

Area divisions

Similar to the administrative districts, the regional association is divided into 7 district associations: Upper Bavaria , Lower Bavaria , Upper Franconia , Middle Franconia , Lower Franconia , Swabia , Upper Palatinate

The district associations are divided into 98 district associations, each of which is divided into several local associations.

Parliamentary group

The FDP parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament has consisted of eleven members since the state election in 2018 . The parliamentary group chairman is Martin Hagen .

Parliamentary group from 2008 to 2013

Georg Barfuß , Otto Bertermann (from February 20, 2013 in the Free Voters parliamentary group), Annette Bulfon , Thomas Dechant , Andreas Fischer (deputy parliamentary group chairman), Thomas Hacker (parliamentary group chairman), Katja Hessel ( StS WIVT ), Wolfgang Heubisch ( StM WFK ), Franz Xaver Kirschner , Karsten Klein (Deputy Group Chairman), Brigitte Meyer , Jörg Rohde (Vice President of the Bavarian State Parliament ), Julika Sandt , Tobias Thalhammer (Parliamentary Managing Director), Renate Will , Martin Zeil ( StM WIVT )

State Parliament 2013 to 2018

On October 4, 2017, Alexander Muthmann resigned from the Free Voters and joined the FDP. He performed his mandate in the state parliament for the FDP until the state election in 2018.

Parliamentary group since 2018

Albert Duin , Matthias Fischbach (parliamentary manager), Martin Hagen (parliamentary group chairman), Wolfgang Heubisch (vice-president of the Bavarian state parliament), Helmut Kaltenhauser , Sebastian Körber , Helmut Markwort , Alexander Muthmann (deputy parliamentary group chairman), Julika Sandt (deputy parliamentary group chairman), Christoph Skutella , Dominik Spitzer

Election results

Election results in district elections

District election results
FDP Bavaria
year Result
1946 1.5%
1948 3.9%
1952 2.2%
1956 1.7%
1960 1.0%
1966 1.9%
1972 1.0%
1978 2.1%
1984 1.8%
1990 2.0%
1996 1.4%
2002 1.8%
2008 3.4%
2014 2.3%

State election results

State election results
year be right Seats +/-
1946 5.6% 9 + 5.6
1950 7.1% 12 +1.5
1954 7.2% 13 +0.1
1958 5.6% 8th −1.6
1962 5.9% 9 +0.3
1966 5.1% 0 −0.8
1970 5.5% 10 +0.4
1974 5.2% 8th −0.3
1978 6.2% 10 +1.0
1982 3.5% 0 −2.7
1986 3.8% 0 +0.3
1990 5.2% 7th +1.4
1994 2.8% 0 −2.4
1998 1.7% 0 −1.1
2003 2.6% 0 +0.9
2008 8.0% 16 +5.4
2013 3.3% 0 −4.7
2018 5.1% 11 +1.8

Election results in federal elections

Bundestag election results FDP Bavaria
in percent (1949-2017)
year choice Country result Federal cut
1949 1st German Bundestag 8.5% 11.9%
1953 2. German Bundestag 6.2% 9.5%
1957 3. German Bundestag 4.6% 7.7%
1961 4th German Bundestag 8.7% 12.8%
1965 5th German Bundestag 7.3% 9.5%
1969 6th German Bundestag 4.1% 5.8%
1972 7th German Bundestag 6.1% 8.4%
1976 8th German Bundestag 6.2% 7.9%
1980 9th German Bundestag 7.8% 10.6%
1983 10th German Bundestag 6.2% 7.0%
1987 11th German Bundestag 8.1% 9.1%
1990 12th German Bundestag 8.7% 11.0%
1994 13th German Bundestag 6.4% 6.9%
1998 14th German Bundestag 5.1% 6.2%
2002 15th German Bundestag 4.5% 7.4%
2005 16th German Bundestag 9.4% 9.8%
2009 17th German Bundestag 14.7% 14.6%
2013 18th German Bundestag 5.1% 4.8%
2017 19th German Bundestag 10.2% 10.7%

Source: Federal Returning Officer

Election results in European elections

European election results FDP Bavaria
in percent (1979-2014)
year choice Country result Federal cut
1979 European elections 4.7% 6.0%
1984 European elections 4.0% 4.8%
1989 European elections 4.0% 5.6%
1994 European elections 3.3% 4.1%
1999 European elections 1.9% 3.0%
2004 European elections 4.2% 6.1%
2009 European elections 9.0% 11.0%
2014 European elections 3.1% 3.4%

Chair of the regional association

Daniel Föst Albert Duin Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger Hermann K. Stützer Max Stadler Josef Grünbeck Manfred Brunner (Politiker) Josef Ertl Dietrich Bahner senior Klaus Dehler Albrecht Haas Thomas Dehler
Chairperson Term of office
Thomas Dehler Thomas Dehler from May 15, 1946
Image of none.svg Albrecht Haas from July 8, 1956
Image of none.svg Klaus Dehler from November 29, 1964
Image of none.svg Dietrich Bahner from March 5, 1967 to June 28, 1970
Josef Ertl Josef Ertl from March 6, 1971
Image of none.svg Manfred Brunner from May 1, 1983
Josef Grunbeck Josef Grunbeck from February 18, 1989
Max Stadler Max Stadler from June 8, 1991
Image of none.svg Hermann K. Supporter from November 28, 1998
Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger from December 2, 2000
Albert Duin Albert Duin from November 23, 2013
Daniel Foest Daniel Foest since November 11, 2017


  • Fritz Glashauser: The education and cultural policy of the Bavarian FDP. Program policy between public representation and party-internal decision-making. Munich 1988.
  • Berthold Mauch: The Bavarian FDP. Portrait of a state party 1945 to 1949. Munich 1981.
  • Thomas Dehler Institute (Ed.): The Bavarian Liberalism after 1945. Munich 1986.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oskar Niedermayer : Party members in Germany. Version 2019. (PDF; 1.1 MB) In: fu-berlin.de. Retrieved July 30, 2019 .
  2. https://www.fdp-bayern.de/news/fdp-hat-neuen-landesvorstand/
  3. http://www.fdp-bayern.de/Fachausschuesse/10397b4258/index.html
  4. http://www.wahlen.bayern.de/kw/tab1_3a.html
  5. http://www.wahlen.bayern.de/kommunalwahlen/
  6. http://www.wahlen.bayern.de/kw/tab1_3a.html
  7. http://www.wahlen.bayern.de/kommunalwahlen/
  8. ^ Results of the state elections in Bavaria
  9. Elections to the Bavarian State Parliament 1946 to 2008 - voter turnout and total votes (graphics) (PDF; 455 kB)
  10. Allocation of seats in the Bavarian Parliament since 1946 (graphics) (PDF; 432 kB)
  11. State elections in Bavaria since 1946 (table)
  12. Federal Returning Officer ( Memento of the original from October 11, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bundeswahlleiter.de
  13. Federal Returning Officer ( Memento of the original from October 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bundeswahlleiter.de
  14. Federal Returning Officer ( Memento of the original from October 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bundeswahlleiter.de
  15. Parties / FDP: Quite non-binding , Der Spiegel 28/1970, July 6, 1970. The party chairmanship remained vacant until Ertl was elected in 1971. Until then, Ertl and Hildegard Hamm-Brücher held the chair informally together.