Intranet portal

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An intranet portal is an organization-internal portal , usually a web portal . It can usually be accessed via the organization's intranet , which is used for collaboration between people or work groups.


HTML pages are usually used as the underlying technology for intranet portals .

As with websites , content management systems are becoming more and more popular with intranet portals . As with websites, the reason is easier maintenance, since data management, appearance and content management can be separated.


In many organizations (companies, associations, authorities, etc.) intranet portals are mainly designed and used for the exchange of information and knowledge . Basically, the two approaches nice to know (useful knowledge) and need to know (necessary knowledge) can be distinguished.

A nice-to-know intranet often forms the first stage in the development of an organizational information system in the form of the intranet portal. Here, the information content from the intranet portal is hardly or not at all required in the daily workflow . The content of the intranet is a useful source of information that the individual user is not dependent on. These portals often arise from the need to centrally link individual content that is already available in the organization to a point. In general, at this stage a strong obligation to collect information. The intranet portal is nice to have , but employees can do without it.

The development to a need-to-know intranet is usually the logical further development. The intranet portal is an integral part of the organizational information system . Working without the intranet portal is no longer possible.


Provision of information
From the goals of information management , the requirement can be derived to consider information, communication and data as an important factor in fulfilling the goals aimed at by the organization. This leads to the consideration of the information function not only as a support function for other operational functions, but as an equal corporate function. The necessity, derived from this, to provide all relevant users with processed data from existing sources is a central task of information management. An intranet portal is a suitable method for this.
User participation
In order to achieve the participation of employees, information and communication technology offers numerous possibilities that can be used very precisely tailored to the respective user and organizational goals . These include wikis , blogs , chat rooms , forums , online meetings, video conferences and much more.
The option of asynchronous, location-independent communication has proven to be very useful. Among other things, specialist forums on various topics will be opened in which all authorized users of the intranet portal can exchange ideas. Discussions can be opened for every post published in the intranet portal. This often results in communities of knowledge that discuss the content of the intranet portal and thus develop new content.
The use of these technologies is growing steadily; User acceptance and their willingness to contribute content to the intranet portal is steadily increasing.
Platform independent interaction
Especially in multi-layered organizations in which many different users work on different platforms, an intranet portal is a platform-compatible medium (shared use of databases, avoidance of media breaks, use of electronic communication media), often across time zones (asynchronous communication).


Exclusion from the supply of information
Particularly in heterogeneous organizations (e.g. a company with administration and production) parts of the organization may be excluded from information in an intranet portal. This represents the danger of a two-class society of parts of the organization that are “supplied” and “not supplied” with information.
Interpersonal communication
The danger of loneliness and the "development" of social incompetence is given when using new media exclusively. Therefore, a combination of new media and interpersonal communication is essential.
Conveying emotions is only possible to a limited extent with the classic means of the new media. The In visual communication ( Face to Face ) is clearly superior here. New developments in ICT can help here. Many of these new technologies and ideas are implemented in intranet portals. For example, video conference systems enable location-independent, synchronous communication; The conference of several users is also possible, depending on the system.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Kuhlen, Seeger, Strauch: Basics of practical information and documentation. 2004, ISBN 3-598-11674-8 .
  2. ^ Krcmar: Information Management. Springer, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-540-23015-7 .
  3. ^ A b Heinrich, Lehner: Information management. R. Oldenbourg, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-486-57772-7 .
  4. Intranet journal of June 26, 2007.
  5. Dr. Kristin Engelhardt: Internal communication panacea intranet? ( Memento from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive )