Inventiones Mathematicae

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Inventiones Mathematicae

Area of ​​Expertise mathematics
language English
publishing company Jumper
First edition 1966
Frequency of publication per month
Web link Website
Article archive
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

Inventiones Mathematicae , often also referred to as Inventiones for short , is a mathematical journal that is published monthly by Springer Verlag . It was founded in 1966 and is one of the most respected mathematics journals.


The Inventiones Mathematicae were conceived as a European journal that should cover all areas of pure mathematics and, in particular, reduce publication times. The first ideas came from a conversation between Alexander Dinghas and Charles Ehresmann at the annual meeting of the German Mathematicians Association in 1963. The publication was to be in English, German, French and Italian. Support came from Enrico Bombieri , then secretary of the IMU . During his visit to Paris in 1964, Ehresmann contacted Heinz Götze from Springer Verlag, who immediately agreed (later he named the magazine one of the publisher's flagships in the field of mathematics). The founding of the publishing house was organized by Klaus Peters. Reinhold Remmert was one of the founding editors, and in the end a total of twelve editors were found for the start of the journal, mainly including younger generation mathematicians and representatives from many European countries. In addition to Remmert, these were Wladimir Arnold , Heinz Bauer , Bryan Birch , Pierre Gabriel , Pierre Cartier , André Haefliger , Nicolaas Kuiper , Bernard Malgrange , Yuri Manin , Jacques Tits , Edoardo Vesentini . From 1974, a mathematician who was not active in Europe (but in the USA) was included as editor for the first time, Jürgen Moser . However, it remained with a maximum of twelve editors and the joint responsibility of all editors. The name of the magazine came from the wife of Jacques Tits, Marie-Jeanne Tits. In the first few years, the magazine also gained the reputation of being critical of the younger generation, even towards seasoned older colleagues.

The editors should primarily advertise articles (as had proven itself in the Mathematische Annalen in Hilbert's time) and only examine them themselves in exceptional cases. Each work is reviewed by two speakers before publication, at least one of whom will provide a detailed review.

The journal's impact factor in 2012 was 2.259. In the statistics of the ISI Web of Knowledge , the journal was ranked 6th out of 295 considered journals in the mathematics category .

Individual evidence

  1. He asked the editors of the other major mathematics journals of the publishing house, Heinrich Behnke at the Mathematische Annalen and Helmut Wielandt at the Mathematische Zeitschrift, who raised no objections as long as this did not unilaterally deduct funds from their journals. At that time Behnke did not secretly give the magazine a great chance. Reinhold Remmert, Inventiones Mathematicae-the first years , Miscellanea Mathematica 1991, p. 270
  2. ^ ISI Web of Knowledge, Journal Citation Reports Science Edition, 2012.


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