Ion I. Russu

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Ion I. Russu (also Ioan Iosif Russu , born December 4, 1911 in Sălişte , Torda-Aranyos County ; † September 9, 1985 in Cluj-Napoca ) was a Romanian ancient historian , epigraphist , provincial Roman archaeologist and linguist .


Ion I. Russu, the son of the teacher Irimie Russu, first attended the grammar school in Cluj and from 1924 in Turda , after his father had been transferred there. Russu passed his matriculation examination in Turda in 1928 and then studied history at the University of Cluj from 1928 to 1932 . From 1933 to 1935 he stayed in Rome on a scholarship from the Accademia di Romania and deepened his studies, especially in the field of epigraphy and linguistics .

After his return, Russu first worked as a high school teacher, later as an assistant and institute director at the University of Cluj. When the city and region in the Second World War in Hungary ceded and the University of Sibiu was moved, Russu continued his teaching and research work and reached its 1942 promotion to Dr. phil. After the end of the Second World War and his return to Cluj, Russu came into conflict with the communist rulers in 1947, who banned him from teaching. From then on Russu had to limit himself to his research. From 1947 until his retirement in 1973 he worked at the Institute for History and Archeology of the Academy of Social and Political Sciences of the Socialist Republic of Romania (Academiei de Științe Sociale și Politice), which elected him as a corresponding member in 1970. Russu was editor or co-editor of the journals Anuarul Institutului de Studii Clasice (1938-1949), Acta Musei Napocensis (1964-1971) and Anuarul Institutului de Istorie și Arheologie Cluj-Napoca (1973-1980). He directed archaeological excavations in 1959 at the Brâncoveneşti fort and in 1977 at the Bucium fort .

The Romanian Academy held a conference in his honor on the occasion of his 100th birthday. A statue in memory of Russu was inaugurated on October 25, 2015 in his birthplace, Sălişte.

Fonts (selection)

  • Macedonia. Osservazioni sulla lingua e l'etnografia degle antichi Macedoni . In: Ephemeris Dacoromana . Volume 8 (1938), pp. 105-232
  • Religia geto-dacilor. Zei, credințe, practici religioase . Cluj 1949
  • Limba traco-dacilor . Bucharest 1959. 2nd, improved edition 1967. New edition 2009, ISBN 978-606-92035-8-3
  • Tabula Imperii Romani. L 34: Aquincum. Sarmizegetusa. Sirmium . Budapest 1968
    • German translation by Hildegard Beer: The language of the Thraco-Dacians . Bucharest 1969
  • Illirii. Istoria - Limba şi onomastica - Romanizarea . Bucharest 1969
  • Tabula Imperii Romani. L 35: Romula. Durostorum. Tomis . Bucharest 1969
  • Elements autohtone în limba română. Substrate comun româno-albanez . Bucharest 1970
  • Dacia şi Pannonia Inferior în lumina diplomei militare din anul 123 . Bucharest 1973
  • Inscripțiile Daciei Romane = Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae . Volume I: Introducere istorică și epigrafică. Diplomele militare. Tăblițele cerate . Bucharest 1975
  • Elementele traco-getice in Imperiul Roman si in Byzantium (veacurile III – VII). Contributie la istoria si romanizarea tracilor. Cu doua harti . Bucharest 1976
  • with Milena Dušanić, Nicolae Gudea and Volker Wollmann: Inscripțiile Daciei Romane = Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae . Volume III: Dacia Superior, 1st Zona de sud-vest (teritoriul dintre Dunăre, Tisa și Mureș) . Bucharest 1977
  • with Ioan Piso and Volker Wollmann: Inscripțiile Daciei Romane = Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae . Volume III: Dacia Superior, 2. Ulpia Traiana Dacica (Sarmizegetusa) . Bucharest 1980
  • Daco-Geţii în Imperiul roman. În afara provinciei Dacia Traiană . Bucharest 1980
  • Etnogeneza românilor. Fondul autohton traco-dacic şi componenta latino-romanică . Bucharest 1981
  • with Octavian Floca and Volker Wollmann: Inscripțiile Daciei Romane = Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae . Volume III: Dacia Superior, 3rd Zona centrală (teritoriul dintre Ulpia Traiana, Micia, Apulum, Alburnus Maior, Valea Crișului) . Bucharest 1984
  • Inscripțiile Daciei Romane = Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae, Vol. III. Dacia Superior, 4th Zona răsăriteană . Bucharest 1988
  • Ioan Opriş (Editor): Românii şi secuii . Bucharest 1990
  • Mircea A. Rusu (editor): Obîrşia tracică a Românilor şi Albanezilor. Clarificări comparativ-istorice şi etnologice = The Thracian origin of the Romanians and Albanians . Cluj-Napoca 1995 (German translation by Konrad Gündisch), ISBN 973-35-0482-3


  • Radu Ardevan : Ion I. Russu . In: Acta Musei Napocensis . Vol. 22-23 (1985-1986), pp. 814-817
  • Mihai Bărbalescu: Profesorul Ion I. Russu . In: Tribuna . 29th year (1985), No. 39, p. 6
  • Emilia Doruţiu-Boilă: Ion I. Russu . In: Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche şi Arheologie . Volume 37 (1986), p. 109 f.
  • Sever Dumitraşcu: Ioan I. Russu . In: Apulum. Acta Musei Apulensis . Volume 23 (1986), p. 387 f.
  • Romulus Todoran: Ion. I. Russu. In memoriam . In: Cercetări de lingvistică . Volume 31 (1986), p. 108 f.
  • Emilia Doruţiu-Boilă: Ion I. Russu . In: Dacia . Volume 31 (1987), pp. 179-182

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ION IOSIF Russu (1911-1985). La centenarul naşterii sale (Romanian, accessed January 26, 2017).
  2. Memoria lui Ion Iosif Russu (1911-1985), cinstită în satul natal (Romanian, accessed on January 26, 2017).