Iosif Teodorescu

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Iosif Teodorescu (before 1947)

Iosif Teodorescu (* 25. December 1885 ; † 28. March 1961 ) was a Romanian General , who in the First and Second World War fought.


On September 15, 1916, he joined the 70th Infantry Regiment as a lieutenant to defend the Câmpulung-Rucăr-Bran pass. Also in the battles of the 70th Infantry Regiment on the Moldovan front in villages such as Voineşti, Pietroşi, Şipotul, Vulcana de Sus, Pucioasa, Bucov, Dolceasca, Mizil, Buzău, Ramnicu Sarat, Vitanesti, Munizingul, Iveşti, Maratschni and Valaş, Mizil Doftanei he took part. He received the commemorative medal of the 1916–1918 war with Dobrogea Bars, Carpathian Mountains, Marasti and Marasesti, patent no. 10550/1 July 1919.

In 1939 he was Colonel in command of the 30th Dorobanti Regiment Câmpulung Muscel and from June 3, 1941 to September 1, 1941, in command of the 18th Infantry Division. From September 1, 1941 to January 10, 1942 Brigadier General Teodorescu was commander of the 11th Infantry Division and from 1942 to 1944, Deputy Commander of the Infantry Corps.

He took part in the siege of Odessa . The offensive actions of the 11th Division, which were carried out on October 8th and 13th, dealt the Soviet defense a final and severe blow with tactical and strategic effects

From 1944 to 1945 he was the military commander of the Romanian capital Bucharest . On August 23, 1944, the General of the Army Corps, Iosif Teodorescu, had an audience with the King and received direct orders to ignore German orders. On August 24, 1944, Teodorescu announced that he was ordering the units of the "Guard" regimental watch to be included in the guarding department of the Baneasa Bridge, and that this operation had been completed without incident or deficiency. Teodorescu was awarded the military order " Mihai Viteazul " with class III spades on November 22, 1944 . From 1944 to 1945 he was in the reserve. From 1945 to 1946 he was reactivated as an infantry inspector. He was in reserve from 1946 to 1947 and retired from 1947.

After the war he was arrested and sentenced. He was released in December 1950. On January 4, 1951, he was arrested again for the events of February 1945. The trial ended on May 25, 1956, when the prosecution classified the case and decided to release the accused.

Individual evidence

  1. [1]
  2. ^ Dennis Deletant: British Clandestine Activities in Romania during the Second World War . 2016, Springer, p. 25. ISBN 978-1-137-57452-7