Irène Tolleret

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Irène Tolleret (born August 17, 1967 in Béziers ) is a French politician, member of La République en Marche and a winemaker .


Irène Tolleret is a winemaker on her own 9-hectare winery on Pic Saint-Loup north of Montpellier .

After the municipal elections in 2014 she was elected mayor of Fontanès (Hérault) . She is the representative of her municipality on the municipal council of the municipal association of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup , where she is responsible as vice-president for European relations and affairs. In 2017 she was elected government councilor and member of the permanent commission in the canton of Lodève . Their political affiliation was described as Divers Gauche ("other left").

Irène Tolleret was a candidate for the 2019 European elections for the Republic of France on the Renaissance list under the leadership of Nathalie Loiseau . It was ranked ninth on the electoral list. As a rather unexpected candidate according to press reports, her intention is to represent the rural regions on the list of the En Marche movement by President Emmanuel Macron . The constituent plenary session of the newly elected parliament to which she was elected took place on July 2, 2019.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Romain Berchet: Une viticultrice de l'Hérault sur la liste LREM pour les élections européennes. In: France Bleu . March 26, 2019, accessed May 22, 2019 (French).
  2. The Mas d'Auzières - VIVA-VINO. Retrieved June 22, 2019 .
  3. Irène Tolleret | Départemental de l'Hérault council. Retrieved June 22, 2019 .
  4. Irène Tolleret: "Se faire crever les pneus ou troller sur internet ne m'empêchera pas de faire campagne jusqu'au bout". Retrieved June 22, 2019 (French).
  5. ^ “The most important events before the European elections” ,, April 18, 2019.