Irene Utpadel

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Irene Utpadel (born January 11, 1917 in Beuthen ; † June 25, 1977 ) was a German politician and former member of the state parliament ( SPD ).

Life and work

After visiting the elementary school and the Higher School for Girls with the completion of the baccalaureate she completed a commercial training and then was a housewife operates. She was represented in various bodies of the SPD, so u. a. as a board member of the SPD sub-district Gütersloh . Utpadel was a member of the trade, banking and insurance union and was involved in workers' welfare .


From October 28, 1969 to July 25, 1970 Utpadel was a member of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia . She moved up on her party's reserve list. From 1960 she was a member of the city ​​council of Gütersloh.

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