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State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton ZurichCanton Zurich Zurich (ZH)
District : Pfaffikonw
Political community : Pfäffikon ZHi2 w1
Postal code : (no)
Coordinates : 702 271  /  246 590 coordinates: 47 ° 21 '44 "  N , 8 ° 47' 33"  O ; CH1903:  702,271  /  two hundred forty-six thousand five hundred and ninety
Height : 554  m above sea level M.
Irgenhausen (Switzerland)
w w w w

Irgenhausen is an outside guard for the Pfäffikon community in the Swiss canton of Zurich .

Here are the remains of a Roman fort , the Irgenhausen Fort , which was excavated in 1898 . It is located on a small hill, around 500 meters from the Pfäffikersee . The floor plan is square with a side length of 60 meters, four corner towers (8 × 8 m) and three central towers (6 × 6 m) on the north, west and south fronts.


Historical aerial photo by Werner Friedli (1946)


Web links

Commons : Irgenhausen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files