Irish Republican Socialist Party

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The Irish Republican Socialist Party or IRSP ( Irish Páirtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na hÉireann ) is a political party active in Northern Ireland , which seeks the unification of the country with the Republic of Ireland on a socialist basis. It was considered the political arm of the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA).


The IRSP was founded on December 8, 1974 by former members of the Sinn Féin , independent socialists and trade unionists under the leadership of Seamus Costello . On the same day, the party's paramilitary organization, INLA, was clandestinely launched. The IRSP criticized Sinn Féin's too moderate policy towards the British government and the 1972 ceasefire of the Official Irish Republican Army (OIRA). The party advocated the armed struggle against the British army and police in Northern Ireland. The IRSP engaged in violent confrontations with its politico-military competition, the OIRA. The extremely low election result (0.1%) in the Irish parliamentary elections in 1977 and the alleged murder of Seamus Costello by the IRA in the same year led to a serious crisis for the party. Three of its members died in Maze Prison during the 1981 hunger strike . The party rejected the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 as a surrender .


The IRSP only plays a peripheral role in today's politics. In 2011 she ran for the first time in 30 years and took part in the Northern Irish municipal elections. In Strabane , their candidate Paul Gallagher just missed a place.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John F. Morrison, The Origins and Rise of Dissident Irish Republicanism - the role and impact of organizational splits. Bloomsbury Academic 2013. p. 85-104
  2. \ "
  4. Hanley, Brian; Millar, Scott: The Lost Revolution - The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers Party. Dublin: Penguin Ireland 2009. p. 204
  6. Kecper Rękawek: Irish Republican Terrorism and Politics - A comparative study of the Official and the Provisional IRA. Routledge 2011. p. 134
  7. IRSP Local Council Election Results