Isidor Kirshenbaum

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Isidor Kirshenbaum (born June 22, 1917 in New York City , † September 24, 2006 ) was an American chemist.

Kirshenbaum studied at City College of New York with a bachelor's degree in 1938 and at Columbia University with a master's degree in 1939 and a doctorate in chemistry with Harold Urey in 1942. He worked in the Manhattan Project , including on properties of uranium hexafluoride , and was then at Esso until his retirement in 1985 as Senior Research Adviser and Head of the Chemical Information Department. From 1947 to 1955 he was also an advisor to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).

He dealt with physical chemistry, nuclear chemistry, oxidation reactions, petrochemistry, properties of polymers, heterogeneous catalysis and isotope separation. He held over 70 patents and published a monograph on heavy water .

He was a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science .


  • Physical properties and analysis of heavy water , editors Harold Urey, George Murphy, McGraw Hill 1951.

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Individual evidence

  1. Birth and career dates according to Pamela Kalte u. a. American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004.