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Isidora ( Cyrillic : Иcидopa) is a female given name .


The name Isidora comes from the Greek word Isidoros and means the gift of Isis (Egyptian goddess).

Origin of the spread of the name

Saint Isidora was martyred during the persecution of Christians under the Roman emperor Decius or Valerian . Her sister Neophyta died with her. This happened around AD 251 or 258.


The name is therefore used in Christian culture with an emphasis on Serbia , Russia , Italy and Spain , especially in Greece .


  • Isadora
  • Isidore, but mostly male, see Isidore
  • as a nickname: Isa, Isica, Iso, Isi
  • the male form: Isidore

name day

Name bearers

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Isidora in the Ecumenical Lexicon of Saints