Islas Palomino

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Islas Palomino
Rocky coast with maned seals on Islas Palomino
Rocky coast with maned seals on Islas Palomino
Waters Pacific Ocean
Geographical location 12 ° 8 ′  S , 77 ° 14 ′  W Coordinates: 12 ° 8 ′  S , 77 ° 14 ′  W
Islas Palomino (Peru)
Islas Palomino
Total land area 0.163
Birds on Islas Palomino
Birds on Islas Palomino

The Islas Palomino are a small group of islands off Callao . About 5000 maned seals and lots of sea ​​birds live on them . They belong to 22 islands along the Peruvian coast. B. also the Islas Ballestas belong, which are specially protected as Reserva nacional Sistema de Islas, Islotes y Puntas Guaneras .

These four small islands are about 10 kilometers from the port of Callao and are located east of Isla San Lorenzo . The area comprises 16.3 hectares of land and 5139 hectares of water. On the way to the islands you can also see the former prison island of El Frontón . The islands rise a maximum of 14.5 meters above sea level. Due to the large number of birds that live there, there is also plenty of guano here .

Among the seabirds on the islands include Belcher's Gull ( Larus belcheri Vigors , 1829), Kelp Gull ( Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein , 1823) Guano cormorant ( Leucocarbo bougainvillii ( Lesson , 1837)), Inca tern ( Larosterna inca ( Lesson & Garnot , 1827)), Peruvian Booby ( Sula variegata ( Tschudi , 1832)), Chile Pelikan ( Pelecanus thagus Molina , 1782), Neotropic Cormorant ( Phalacrocorax brasilianus ( Gmelin , 1789)), Buntscharbe ( Phalacrocorax gaimardi ( Lesson & Garnot , 1828)), night Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax ( Linnaeus , 1758)), Raven Geier ( Coragyps atratus ( Bechstein , 1793)), Truthahngeier ( Cathartes aura ( Linnaeus , 1758)), Peruanertriel ( Burhinus superciliaris ( Tschudi , 1843)), Southern rock Uferwipper ( Cinclodes nigrofumosus ( d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye , 1838)), brown-coat oystercatcher ( Haematopus palliatus Temminck , 1820) and Humboldt penguin ( Spheniscus humboldti Meyen , 1834).

Web links

Commons : Islas Palomino  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Todo lo que debes saber para nadar con lobos en el Callao in El Comercio on February 23, 2017
  2. Callao: Islas Palomino ahora están más protegidas Diario Ojo of October 2, 2016
  3. Isla Palomino at
  4. Birdwatching observacion de aves