Ismail Ndroqi

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Ismail Effendi Ndroqi (* 1876 in Tirana ; † 1944 there ) was an Albanian politician and philosopher. From 1917 to 1922 he was the Lord Mayor of Tirana, which became the capital of Albania in 1920 .


Born in Tirana, capital of Albania, in 1876, he came from a family that was already active in the Albanian revolt from 1843 to 1844 and that of 1847. After completing his studies in the Madrasah ǧāmiʿah of Constantinople , he returned to Albania. As a supporter of Avlonyalı İsmail Kemal Bey , he was one of the local leaders of Tirana in Albania's declaration of independence. Ndroqi's support for Kemal Bey provoked the opposition of Essad Pasha Toptani , who - in order to reduce the influence of Ndroqi - transferred him to the Mufti of Shijak in 1913 and 1914 of Kavaja . In 1916 he was elected mayor of Tirana and replaced Servet Libohova in 1917 - a post that Ndroqi held until 1922. In his office as mayor, he had several schools and the city's first hospital and orphanage founded. Ndroqi was a co-initiator of the Tirana Congress (December 19-20, 1918) and a delegate in the Durrës Congress (December 25-27, 1918). He also founded the Tirana Volunteer Battalion , which fought against the Italian army in the Vlora War. Ndroqi's time as mayor of Tirana was the longest until the establishment of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania after the Second World War .

In 1928 he withdrew from politics and focused on his theological studies, denouncing religious fundamentalism and obscurantism . From 1928 to 1939 he also served as the Mufti of Durrës.

His son Shefqet Ndroqi is considered the father of pulmonology in Albania, and a hospital in Tirana has been renamed after him, while he is also an honorary citizen of the city. Ndroqi's grandson, Zamir, is also a doctor.

Individual evidence

  1. Mayors of Tirana. In: Retrieved September 13, 2014 .
  2. Michael Schmidt-Neke: Development and expansion of the royal dictatorship in Albania (1912–1939) : Formation of government, mode of rule and power elite in a young Balkan state . Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 1987, ISBN 978-3-486-54321-6 , p. 321-322 ( ).
  3. a b Përsonalitete të kulturës islame që kanë jetuar e contribuar në fund të shek.xix - gjysma e parë e shek. xx. International Islamic University of Malaysia , accessed June 5, 2011 .
  4. a b Tirana me plan urbanistik, një shekull më parë. In: Lajme Shqip. April 23, 2011, accessed February 18, 2016 (Albanian).