Julia Procilla

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Iulia Procilla († early 69 ) was the mother of Gnaeus Iulius Agricola , who was the Roman governor of Britain from around 77 to 84 AD and the father-in-law of the well-known historian Tacitus .


Iulia Procilla was the daughter of an imperial procurator from the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis , who belonged to the knight class. Her father's name was likely either Iulius Procillus or Iulius Proculus .

She became the wife of Lucius Iulius Graecinus , who was admitted to the Senate under Emperor Tiberius and who also appeared literarily as the author of a work on viticulture. On June 13, 40 AD she gave birth to her son Gnaeus Iulius Agricola in Forum Iulii (today Fréjus ). His father Graecinus was executed at the end of 39 or 40 AD on the orders of the Emperor Caligula .

Agricola grew up in Massilia (present-day Marseille ) from an early age and was brought up here by his mother. He also received a scholarly education, but Iulia Procilla put limits on her son's keen interest in the study of philosophy .

During the turmoil of the Four-Emperor's Year , Iulia Procilla was murdered in early 69 AD, when she was on her country estate in Album Intimilium on the Ligurian coast , by plundering troops from Emperor Otho's fleet .



  1. a b c d Tacitus, Agricola 4.
  2. ^ Edmund Groag : Iulius 589. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume X, 1, Stuttgart 1918, Col. 945 f.
  3. CIL 6, 41069 ( Epigraphic Database Heidelberg ).
  4. Columella , De re rustica 1, 1, 14; see. Pliny , Naturalis historia 14, 33 and 16, 241.
  5. ^ Tacitus, Agricola 4 and 44.
  6. Seneca , de beneficiis 2, 21, 5.
  7. Tacitus, Agricola 7; see. Histories 2, 13-14.