Ivan Trnski

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Ivan Trnski 1898 Povjest književnosti hrvatske i srpske.png

Ivan Trnski (born May 1, 1819 in Nova Rača near Bjelovar , † July 30, 1910 in Zagreb ) was a prominent Croatian poet , translator and patience player , the most famous songs National Rebirth of Croats and father of the Croatian metric. Trnski was also the founder and first president of the Croatian Writers' Society. He drew Croatian literature of the 19th century.

His parents were teachers . He attended the elementary school in Grubišno Polje and the classical high school in Zagreb. Like Grenzeroffizer in Graz , Trnski first received his doctorate in lieutenant colonel and two years later in colonel . Trnski was a member of parliament in Sabor and prefect of Bjelovar County, as well as the president of the cultural association Matica hrvatska (1901–1902) and founder of the Maticas magazine Vijenac .

Trnski translated from German ( Schiller ), English ( Shakespeare ) and Russian ( Pushkin - Eugen Onegin ) and wrote for numerous Croatian literary magazines ( Danica , Savremenik , Vijenac , Neven ) and published puzzles ( anagrams , acrostics etc.) in Zora dalmatinska , Neven , Prosvjeta and Nada .

Individual evidence

  1. Jovan G. Vuković: Literate enigmate , Sombor, 1991, p. 40.
  2. Božidar Petrač: Ivan Trnski, pjesnik "dana stare slave" Kolo : 5-6 (2010)
  3. Ivan Koprek: Thesaurus Archigymnasii, Zbornik radova u prigodi 400. godišnjice Klasične gimnazije u Zagrebu (1607. - 2007.) , Zagreb, 2007, p. 912.
  4. Željko Karaula: Ivan vitez Trnski - bjelovarski "župan" s najkraćim mandatom , in: Studije iz povijesti Bjelovara , Bjelovar, 2011, pp. 65.-72.
  5. President of Matica Hrvatska matica.hr
  6. Slavko Peleh: Ivan Trnski i zagonetke, Zagonetač , Čvor-razbibriga , N. 271, p. 1/2