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Ivaniš ( Serbian - Cyrillic Иваниш ; † after 1348) was a Serbian magnate (Velikaš) who carried the high dignity of a despot under Tsar Stefan Uroš IV. Dušan .


In Dušan's donation bull for the Archangel monastery near Prizren from 1348, he is referred to by the tsar as the “father of my empire”, so he was evidently closely related to the ruling Nemanjić dynasty . Ivaniš and after him his son Altoman Ivanišević ruled the Toplica region near the core area of ​​the later province of Lazar Hrebeljanović . His sister was married to Altoman. Their son, who was also called Ivaniš , was buried in Visoki Dečani .

Ivaniš is perhaps identical with the Serbian monk Dorotheos von Hilandar , who is said to have carried the title of despot before entering the monastery. He officiated from 1356 to 1366 as Protos on Athos ; In 1382 he founded the Drenča Monastery near Aleksandrovac in Serbia .


  • Милош Благојевић: Немањићи и Лазаревићи и српска средњовековна државност (= Библиотека Јазон. Vol. 9). Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства, Београд 2004, ISBN 86-17-12188-2 .
  • Божидар Ферјанчић: Деспоти у Византији и Јужнословенским земљама (= Посебна издашиа .ул. Bd. 336; Византо. Српска академија наука и уметности, Београд 1960.
  • Марко Шуица: Немирно доба српског средњег века. властела српских обласних господара. Службени лист СРЈ, Београд 2000, ISBN 86-355-0452-6 .


  1. See Ферјанчић, Деспоти, p. 158 f.
  2. See Благојевић, Немањићи, p. 288.
  3. Cf. Шуица, Немирно доба, pp. 93–96, 160.